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I wake up to loud voices coming from the other side of my door, maybe downstairs. i quickly dress myself up and head downstairs.

"oh good morning, Nadia, how are you?" Zaid's mom says to me and pulls me into a hug. I look at her, confused.

I see Zaid's dad sitting on the table and Zaid next to him. Zaid looks up at me for few seconds but then quickly looks down when his dad sharply looks at him, giving him a stern look. His dad then looks at me and gives a disapproving look.

" what are you guys doing here?" i ask.

" why are you late at waking up? should have been up early. you are not here to sleep and be showered by money. An attack can happen even in the house. it your job to take care of him and do things for him," Zaid's dad tells me.

Oh so now even his dad hates me, what else is there that i don't know?

" Dad, she was sick," Zaid says.

He is defending me ?

Zaid's dad holds up a hand to shut up Zaid.

" don't dare stand up for her, yes she is your wife but i told you not to get too involved and let your feelings run wild, she is here to protect you and that is the only reason why she is here...i am just putting her in her place," Dad

" dont get too involved? dad your the one who got us involved into each other's life first and now you want to be over here talking about " don't get to involved'?" Zaid says.

Like me, Zaid's dad also seemed shocked at Zaid's sudden outburst.

What is happening?

oh god is the world ending? i dreaming? someone please slap me.

" you two please stop...give the poor girl a break...and we are not here to talk about that, we here to tell Zaid and Nadia that we will be taking a business trip." Mom says.

ignoring what happened before, i turn my attention to Mom.

" A trip? to where?" i ask.

"we will be going to south Africa for a week, and your coming with us," Mom says.

i nod.

" pack your things, we will be leaving tomorrow at noon," Mom says.

A trip. WOW

i have never been anywhere far away before.

I am so excited, i look at Zaid with big smile but in return i got a annoyed eye roll.

he must have had so many trips that meant nothing to him.

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