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I slowly walk to our room and open the door to peek inside. Zaid seemed nowhere in sight so taking the chance, i let myself in and place my heavy bag on the floor. I can hear water running in the bathroom so i guess he must be taking a shower.

I look around the huge room. It was bigger than my whole house back home, the one i grew up in my whole life. Two big king sized beds where placed next to each other with only a night stand separating them just few inches apart.

I let out a sight of relief. Atleast we wont have to share a bed.

Even if you did, that is nothing wrong.

Oh shut up Nadia!.

Fighting with myself in my mind, i walk toward the big window that over looked a huge garden behind the hotel. Few people where walking around. Mostly people who looked like they were couples because most of them were holding hands and making out here and there.


I look out as far as my eyes can me and in the horizon, a beautiful blue glowing beach can be seen.

I love beaches. Most of my happy memories alway has something to do with the beach.


"Mom, look i found a big shell..can i keep it?" the 5 year old me shouted. My mom hurries over to me and bends down in front of me. Her light brown eyes look into mine and her thin lips formed into a small smile.

I smile at her. " look mom i have never seen this kind of shell looks...different," i say. I don't know why, but something about that shell made me think about what it means to be different. Being different is one of my best quality and mom said that it is one of the thing she loves most about me. She said being different in nothing wrong, that it means i am one special person out of billions.

" of course it is...every shell has a different story," mom says to me.

Her words stuck with me since that day.

Every shell has a different story.

*End of flashback*

I snap out of my thoughts as the bathroom door opens and Zaid walks out. He is shirtless and his well built body with water dripping down it made me choke on my own spit. His jet black hair is also dripping with water and a towel is wrapped around his neck and the other is wrapped around his waist, covering from the waist down.

I stare at him like a stupid idiot. At first he had no expression . Then his lips slowly forms into a smirk which makes my heart jump a little.

" like what you see?" he asks. I snap out of my thoughts and try to think straight.

" wa- what are you talking about?" i say. Not knowing what else to do, i try to walk past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me back aggressively.

" dont try to run from me," he whispers in my hear, leaving a tangly sensation.

Whats up with him and his mood swings? One moment he is is soft and defending me and the next moment he is harassing me. I so dont understand him.

"Let me go or i will bite you and kick you where it hurts," i say to him and trying my keep my voice from shaking.

" feisty much?...oh hunny trust me i can bite harder. I will bite you so hard it will leave you craving for more," he says. All of a sudden i am pinned against the wall and my body was pressed against it by his. He brings his face in so close that now it is only a inch away.

" i can do more than this," he says.

Without thinking i step on his foot as hard as can. He screams in pain as i get away from his reace.

" i can do that," i say laughing. He tries catching me again but i slip away and run out the room.

" I WILL GET YOU YOU LITT-," i heard him yell after me but as i ran his voice fadded away.

I managed to get away now but later i am so dead.

Hey guys, this is a long chapter and took me hours to write so i hope you guys enjoy and one more thing, please comment how this story is is it boring? Is it intresting?... I just want to know your opinion. And also vote and like if you want more. Love yall

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