Chapter 7

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Zaid drove in silence. I set next to him. The silence was making me crazy but i also didn't want to break it. Instead i look out into the darkness outside. The moon was out, showing its glowing light on the dark road, lighting it up. Trees stood in rows alongside the road, looking eerie in the moonlight. The ride is going to be a long one since they live far away from where i used to live.

Giving in to the silence, my mind again wonders to my parents.

I got married today.

I wish you were here.

I miss you even more today.

I want you here.

i know i am being foolish but i miss them so much. I don't want to be a business deal. I want to lean on someone's shoulder. Someone who will give me the love my parents weren't able to give me. I want someone to tell me they love me and hold me close. I look at Zaid but he was still looking ahead. I turn back to window. MY eyes fill up with tears and runs down my cheeks. i have been crying a lot lately and now my head hurts. Slowly sleep takes over me and i close my eyes.

Zaid's P.O.V

I look ahead as she enters the car and sits down next to me. I start the car and drive away. i wanted to say something but nothing came to mind so i keep quite. I wanted her to say something, anything but she too stays quite.

I look at her to see her looking up at the moon. She seemed to be deep in thought about something. Then a tear slips down her cheek, shining in the moonlight. My heart felt a sudden pain but i ignored it. I hated her. She ruined my life and now i want to do the same for her. I wanted to but i don't know if i could. Something about her seemed to make me change my mind. Holding me back from trying to hurt her. My mind said i wanted to but my heart said something different.

The first time i saw her, she was something else, shy yet fierce. Unlike her cousins, who were clinging to me when ever they found me alone in the hallway. she tried to stay away. All the girls always fell for my charm, even in high school, i was the most popular kid. At a young age of 24 i am really good at handling the business.
I didn't even know dad was looking for a girl for me until i went over to Nadia's house. I was mad at him.

She suddenly turns to look at me and i quickly turn away. After few minutes, i didn't feel her gaze on me anymore and wait few more minutes before turning to look at her again. Her eyes were closed. I guess she must be tired. Suddenly, her head falls side way and I quickly put my hand under it to support it. She moves a little and then to my surprise she rests her head on my shoulder. I pull the car to a stop right in the middle of the road since no other car were passing by.

I look at her sleeping face and my heart jumps.

Don't you dare feel that way.


you can't.

you hate her.

You have to get her back.

She ruined your life.

My mind was screaming at me but my heart liked the fact that she leaning on me.

You have to get her back.

but i don't want to hurt her. She looks so innocent

Who cares?..she didn't care when she ruined your life...why should you care?

Yeah why should i care? i give her one last look and ignoring my hearts protest, i place her head on the other side. I decided to follow my mind.

Hey guys...hope you like this chapter...i tried to to do Zaids pov idk if its good or not but please let me no

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