Chapter 8- not entirely what I was hoping for

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After Kye got that [wonderful] tidbit of news off his chest, he remembered what we were doing. Deeper into the hall we go, until we reach the garden. Oh. My. God. The big man is sharpening a guillotine in the corner. He senses our presence.

" Miss Naomi Toliver, it's time to make a deal." He states. "Ziggy?"

A big dude comes out and grabs me from behind, gagging my mouth and pinning my arms to my side I look at Kye, and he looks at me like 'remember what I said'. Which part of what he said?

The guard is holding me so tight. The big man does the creepy circling thing again.

"Join me in my plans to take over the world. You are the main advertisement, a savior. you go around, using your superhuman powers, wearing a somewhat skimpy outfit saving people from these creatures I've created. We target the western hemisphere, moving across the globe. I rule, with you as the princess. You'll have to decide whether or not Kye is your lover. He can be your brother, if you don't like him in that way. You'll be my adopted daughter. You'll help me rise to power, and inherit the rule in time. Will you do it? If you don't agree........." He picks a speck of blood off of the guillotine blade.

" Um, uncle Chester, how can she answer you if she's gagged?" Thank you, Kye.

Ziggy pulls the gag off of me [thank God. The thing tasted like gym socks].

"I'll agree on one condition." Ziggy started dragging me towards the guillotine. "No, no, Ziggy. It's not that bad. I want this so called outfit to be purple."

Uncle Chester started laughing. "Fine, fine." he chucked. "Ziggy, unhand my daughter." He let me go. Good thing to. I couldn't breath with that brute squeezing me.

"You don't have to call me father, and I don't expect you to. You may call me Chester, Uncle Chester, or the big man. I do not respond to Chess. That is a marvelous game of strategy, not a name. Since you agreed, you will find a laptop, and iPad and an iPod Touch, with a million dollars in the iTunes account. I'll have your outfit made. Dismissed." With a flick of his hand, we slunk out of sight behind a wall of ivy.

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now