Chapter 21- Luxurious Metal Tube of Death

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I'm plastered to the ceiling by the force of the plane being sucked down by gravity. We have about 9,000 feet before we hit the ocean. Kye finds a way to get into the bedroom. He grabs our packs and the two parachutes hidden under the bed, stashed there in case for emergencies like this. But, y'know, our plane's just dropping like a stone towards the Atlantic, no big deal. Maybe this doesn't qualify as an emergency.

Just as I'm about to reach out and grab the parachute, the pilot and copilot come back into the cabin of the plane. They snatch the parachutes out of Kye's hand. I cry, "What the hell is going on?"

"Yeah sugar, we shorted the plane on purpose. Said the falsley freindly captian. "Think of it this way; you're getting a really decked out, shiny coffin!" He cackles, then jumps out of the plane and opens that cursed parachute.. A t the monent before he hits the water, a helicopter swoops out of the sky to catch the two in a net. The letters "ROFL" are painted in tall gold letters along the sides. Huh. A ROFLcopter.

Tears come from my eyes, and they're whipped from my face by the intense eind. Kye tosses me my pack. That seems really pointless right now.

"On the count of three, jump!" Kye yells to be heard over the wind.


"Just do it!" He screams. I look deep inoto his eyes. There's a glow there, and he's using the same tone of voice as the day we met, with some indefinable power. He looks so confident about jumping to our deaths... he's so cute...

"Kye, just in case we don't make it out of here alive... I love you." I say. I see something light in his eyes, a gleaming fire. "I trust you." We'll see if this is a stupid idea really soon.

"We will make it out. Don't worry." He says, Brown hair being whipped back by the wind. "One... two... three!" I jump, freeing myself from the plane, and fall through the open air. I must reach terminal velocity in the first five seconds. Hurtling downward, I say in my head: goodbye, world. I'll miss you.

Suddenly, I hit something hard. It hurt like heck. I assume I've landed in the water. Hmm. The water's warm. That makes no sense. We're in the middle of the Atlantic. Whatever. I squeeze my eyes shut, letting the hurt take over, waiting for the spirit of my mom to reach her hand across the barrier of the dead, to bring me into her realm, to Elysyem, the Feild of Asphodel, the Feild of Punishment, Heaven, Hell , Purgatory, wherever I end up, but all I can see is brown. I thought it was supposed to be black, with a white light at the end of the tunnel.Wait... these are... feathers? What? I realize... that I'm sitting on the back of a giant bald eagle. Huh? I must've passed out and I'm dreaming. I'm not, though, because I can still feel the sting of the wind on my face and the pain of being body slammed onto a very solid bird. I feel safe on this eagle. It's so big and strong, like Kye... WAH! No. Bad Naomi. Focus. Meh.

Once the cobwebs clear, I take a look around. My pack is on my back, I'm on a giant bald eagle, Edward's still in my backpack, no land seen but I can tell we're going in the right direction, water under me, sky right above me, and I'm not missing any limbs. Guess what's missing. You got it. Kye.

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now