Chapter 22- Will I ever go a day without losing Kye?

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I scan the area, the whole sky. Kye's not there. Reluctantly, I gaze down at the cruel ocean, so scared that I may see his cold, dead body bobbing in the water. He's not there. I don't know whether to be releived or scared. Kye's nowhere to be found. I feel stupid, but I bend down next to the eagle's face.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Eagle, but my friend's gone. Do you know where he is? Did you see him?" God, do I feel stupid.

The eagle turns to me, and I'm startled. His eyes are just like Kye's. There's a tablet around his neck that reads, "Aruto".

"Is your name Aruto?" I ask. The eagle screeches in coomprehension, then goes back to his flying. There's nothing to do but think. As I'm sitting on the eagle' s back, I think of Kye, and decide to pretend that he's sitting next to me, and I realize how much I don't deserve him, like, at all. I pull out a pen and paper, and start to write a song, out of sheer boredom.


Where I Land

You're different from the way I thought you'd be

But here you are in front of me

So full of light I watch it overflow

A lovely mystery

And I am lost for words

You're more than I deserve

You have a way of stirring up my soul

Did you know

When you hold me in your arms the way you do

It feels like coming home

And I am lost for words

You're more than I deserve

And when I cannot stand

You are where I land

And when the years have stolen youth away

I will stay

You will be the keeper of my heart

Until my final day


I sing it, and the eagle sways back and forth with the lyrics. He likes it! I sing it over and over, and Aruto starts doing turns in midair, causing me to have to grab onto his feathers to not fall off. Soon, he starts screeching along, Hitting the notes, but with no words, but eventually, he starts to be able to sing, "And i am lost for words/You're more than I deserve".

First a ROFLcopter and now a singing eagle named Aruto. What next?

I took out Edward, in all his cute pink bunnyness.

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I don't dare make him actually hop, because I'm afraid he'll hop right off Aruto's back. Edward, besides the song, is the last peice of Kye I have-oh, no, why'd I have to think of him?

I reluctantly stand up on Aruto's back. He keeps flying, so I guess it's okay. Perched atop Aruto, I look out over the sea one more time, hoping to finally find Kye. He's not there.

"KYE!!!" I shreik at the top of my lungs. "Kye..." Isink down to my knees, the wind blowing my hair back, like a black veil a widow would wear. Slowly, I curl up and cry, the tears blown from my face, mumbling Kye's name in between my heaving sobs.

"He's gone." I sob. "Oh, Aruto, he's really gone."

Aruto seems to shreik in sorrow after I say this.

After about two hours, I change into my battle outfit, sword, dagger, Light Whip, and all. Something tells me there's gonna be danger in Paris, and I'm gonna have to face it without Kye.

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now