Chapter 6- The First night

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New pajamas lie in wait on the bed. I shinny into them, and call to Kye. He comes in with a glass of water and two plates of chicken curry. We eat dinner, and soon it's time for bed. I claim the top bunk, and he lies down on the bottom. Before we go to sleep, I say,

" You know I'm not gonna be your friend."

He laughs- he laughs at me!- I can almost hear his smile..... he has a beautiful laugh......

"I don't expect you to be my friend. Heck, I'm holding you captive! But, even if you don't like me, I'm stuck with you." Kye informs me.

I think he's done talking after 10 minutes, I'm falling asleep, but then I realize that he's climbed up to my bunk! He's staring at me. I pretend to be asleep.

"Naomi," he whispers. I peek at him, but he still thinks I'm asleep. He's taken off the ski mask, and he's as gorgeous as I had thought! Chocolate brown hair gently curls over one of his eyes. "I promise.............. I promise I'll protect you." Wow. No one's ever said anything like that to me before. Then, Kye starts singing softly. It's one of my favorite songs!

"I'll stand by you, stand by you, love, won't let nobody hurt you....." He sings softly. What a beautiful voice............ did he just say..... LOVE?!?!?!?!?

The door is flung open, and the big man barges in, face red.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The uncle whispers loudly. "Get away from her!"

Kye scrambles away, and I do my best impression of Sleeping Person. I hear the big man chewing Kye out.

"Do you know what could happen? She may have powers bend our knowledge! You're the best asset of our team! If that devil hurts you...."

I fly out of bed. "DEVIL!?!?!? I only have one other power. One that you don't know about, and I won't use it against you. It's nothing huge! I just have all of the powers of-" Uh oh. The big man comes over.

"Naomi, tell us of your power. I won't hurt you of you tell, but if you don't..." I look over at Kye. He nods his head, as if to say 'tell him.'

"I have all the powers of a wolf, multiplied by two. I can jump really high for really long, almost like flying. I have intense senses, can track anything, can run like the wind, and have insane super strength." The big man looked at me like I was cotton candy, and he was a hungry little boy. Uh oh.


The big man left, and I was alone with Kye once more. He left the room for a moment, and I started to sing.

I could use another cigarette

But don't worry daddy, I'm not addicted yet

One too many drinks tonight and I miss you

Like you were mine

All your stormy words have barely broken

And you sound like thunder though

You've barely spoken

Oh, it looks like rain tonight and thank God

'Cause a clear sky just wouldn't feel right.

He's taken and leaving

But I keep believing

That he's gonna come round soon

(He'll come round soon I know)

You may be my final match

'Cause I chase everything when you play

Throw and I play catch

It never took much to keep me satisfied

But all the stuff that you feed me you miss me

You need me

This hungry heart will not subside

He's taken and leaving

But I keep believing

That he's gonna come round soon

Until I see him again

I'm staying believing

That it won't be deceiving

When he's gonna come round

Well I may seem naive if I cry as you leave

Like I'm just one more tortured heart

These cracks that I show as I'm watching

You go aren't tearing me apart

I may seem naive if I cry as you leave

Like I'm just one more tortured heart

These cracks that I show as I'm watching

You go aren't tearing me apart

The angels said I'd smile today

Well who needs angels anyway?

He's taken and leaving

But I keep believing

That he's gonna come round soon

Until I see him again

I'm staying believing

That it won't be deceiving

When he's gonna come round soon

I can't believe that he's gone

Gonna come round soon I know

I could use another cigarette


Kye's POV: As I walk down the hall, music suddenly fills the air. Not in the creepy, romantic music-is-in-the-air kind of music, but singing. Really good singing. I walk in the direction of the music, and it's coming from Naomi's room. How'd she sneak a radio in here? Unless......

Naomi's POV: Kye had come in while I was singing. He had snuck around and was standing right in front of where I knelt on the hard tile. I don't realize he's there until he puts his hand on my shoulder. I jump at his touch.

"Wow." He says, and that's all he needs to say.

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now