Chapter 15- All that's real is Pain

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I wake up wrapped in crisp, white sheets. I hear light weeping, and a hand in mine. There's something tight wrapped around me, probably made to make the pain a little less by cutting off the circulation. It's not working. at the feeling of the sheets, the warm air on my face, the air mask, the hand holding mine, the tears, none of it is real, all of is fake, completely nonexistence compared to the pain in my midsection, like fire. It feels like a million matches have bee lit and shoved into me, searing me, slow roasting me from the inside out.

I try to scream, but nothing will come out. I try to twist and turn, writhing in pain, but I can't move. I realize that this is almost exactly the same scenario as when I first met Kye. ow,ow,ow,Ow, Ow Ow, OwOwOwOwOwOw OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A nurse comes in, and sees that my eyes are open. She forces whoever was holding my hand out of the room, and gives me a medicine to sooth my pain. It feels so much better. She rewraps the bandages, then tells me that she'll leave me alone for a while. I think she means a while so I write a song about how I had felt on the balcony with Kye the night before. Y'know, before he fell off the balcony and I almost died.



Don't stop

I like where this is going

You've got a way of coming over me like a rain in June


your body warm to the touch

you're terrified

well that makes two of us now

just the two of us now

Have you have you ever felt so alive as I feel with you tonight?

so deep in your arms

Have you ever felt a love so real that through your veins you could almost feel

a rush of blood to your heart?

With one kiss you cover every inch of my skin in pure bliss

Oh and the sound of you aching for more

So hold me

Steady as you unfold me

And unleash a desire that will never die

Have you have you ever felt so alive as I feel with you tonight?

so deep in your arms

Have you ever felt a love so real that through your veins you could almost feel

a rush of blood to your heart?

The bare moon shining through the window

Our shadows dancing on the wall

Your pulse racing like the thunder as we surrender to it all

Have you have you ever felt so alive as I feel with you tonight?

so deep in your arms

Have you ever felt a love so real that through your veins you could almost feel

a rush of blood to your heart?


God, I love the new song. I'll give it to Kye on his birthday.

Suddenly, I hear shouting in the hall, and a weird, metallic grinding sound. I try to sit up, but the pain in my chest starts again. I hear a banging on the door, and 2 nurses barge in. They start wheeling my hospital bed out of the room and down the hall, where we meet utter and complete chaos.

"What the heck is going on?" I scream at the nurse on my left, trying to make it so she can hear me.

"We're evacuating the hospital!" She yells. "About 50 robots flew in! With bombs!" Oh my God, they're here for me!

"Listen! They're after me! Disguise me!" I yell. They turn me onto my stomach and pull the sheets up over my raven hair.

As soon as we get outside, I feel around in my pocket, and thank my lucky stars that I shoved the lyrics to my new song in my pocket. I hear the robots fly away overhead, and deem it safe to stick my head out. Perfect timing, too, because I got to see the hospital collapse. (Let's all put our hand together for the fact that this hospital was a SKYSCRAPER! That makes the new total, oh, what, three wrecked buildings? Does danger follow me, and get activated when I come within three feet of one? Or am I just allergic to tall infrastructures?)

Once the havoc decreases a little, the doctors and nurses decide to do a headcount. They take the guestbook and the patient list, and ask everyone's name.

A thought floats into my head; where' Kye? Is he out? I see uncle Chester across the lot, and I assume that since he's out, Kye must be out, too. I breath a sigh of releif, and settle back on the blankets.

About 45 minutes later, I hear two doctors whispering beside me.

"The headcount is done."

"any casualties?

"One, sir."

"What's the poor soul's name?"

"Kye Fantasia, sir."

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now