Chapter 14- And Guess What Just Has To Happen Next...

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Okay, I'll give you four choices of what could've happened next.

a. A huge flash of light, then a bomb going off

b. A hoard of screaming teenagers burst into our room

c. A robot starts flying up towards me with a knife in its hand, ready to fight.

d. Kye is pushed off of the balcony.

If you guessed e. all of the above, congrats, you're right!

First, the teenage boys and girls burst into our room, trying to get ahold of us. Then, the freak of nature starts flying up. Next, the bomb goes off, rocking the balcony. Finally, to my horror, Kye is knocked off his feet by the explosion, and is falls over the railing.

"KYE!!!!!!!!!" I scream, and, much to the dismay of the insane fan club guys, I fling myself over the side. I see the building behind me on fire, swaying hard. Why is it, that everywhere I go, something, mainly a skyscraper, is demolished. I catch Kye, to see that he's unconscious, and gently lower is limp body into the street below. Medics rush up. Unfortunately, the building across the street is a TV news headquarters.Reporters come rushing out of the facility, waving microphones in my face and asking what's happening.

"Sorry, gotta go." I say breathlessly, and watching them scribble this singular line on notepads makes me sick. I jump up the 30 story building to where the creepy robot has attatched itself to the shiny building with suction cups. Oooooh, such advanced technology! I kick it, and the flimsy thing falls off the building. Wow. That's just sad. It plummets about 20 stories, then right itself with.... Oh my God, its using leaf blowers to hold itself up! So tacky! This it too easy. I snap the bungee chord-i know, right?-holding on the leaf blowers, and it falls quickly. i realize that I should probably get the knife out of its hand before some poor sap below gets impaled, so I dive down after the pathetic hunk of metal.

Kye's POV: I wake up just in time to see Naomi diving down towards a robot, attempting to snatch a knife out of its hand. Suddenly, the robot grabs her arm with surprising force, and I watch helplessly as the horrid robot stabs her, twice, in the chest. She falls limp to the ground, and hits with an impact rate strong enough to kill any human. OMG!1!! I rush over, expecting a dead body, but she's still breathing. That isn't possible- how-what-

Naomi's POV: Everything hurts, but mostly my chest. I look up to see Kye looming over me, a worried expression plastered on his face.

"Kye....." I choke out, then, very slowly, everything fades to black.

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