Chapter 10- The Deal Unravels

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  • Dedicated to Maximum Ride

The 'skimpy outfit' looks like an anime costume.

A short, tight purple miniskirt, and a cut off top. Yay. At least it's purple. There's a belt-like thing across the waist section, with an amethyst gem in the middle. The gem is a GPS, a tracker, and an alarm for when something's going on. I have a weapon attached to my belt that I call Flash. It shoots a beam of light that can defeat anything, slice anything within milliseconds, and with the right conditions, it can implode anything. Even a 60 ton block of marble. I invented it, but the big man embellished on it, covering it in glittery purple stones. Everything just has to be flashy these days bigger and better. I also got a sword guilded with amethyst stones, a dagger, and a pistol.

I walk out of the bathroom wearing my new anime parade costume. Kye lets out a long, low whistle.

"Don't be such a pig," I say. " You told me to say yes to everything your uncle said."

"Uh huh. You don't, and it's cut, slice, sweet paradise. Not a happy sight to see at all. Too many have fallen victim to that thing. I mean, it's from the French Revolution, for crying out loud!" Kye exclaims. "it should be in a museum, not still at work!" Kye gives me a quick squeeze. "It won't hurt you though. I'll make sure it doesn't." His intense green eyes stare deeply into mine. Kye's stopped wearing that ski mask around me. He's soooooo gorgeous......

Woah, Naomi. Don't go there. Meh.

Uncle Chester walks in just as I pull on the high heel boots I'm requried to wear - how am I supposed to fight in these things? He gives me a look- over, flashes me a quick grin with his ruined, tobacco stained teeth, and gives me a thumbs up. Oh, goody. I have his approval. That is totally what I [don't] need. He waves Kye and I to follow him. Back down that oh- so- familiar dark tunnel, we arrive in the garden. A TV screen pops up on te far wall. It flickers to life, and there is an image of monstrosity, quite literally. A huge, 10 foot giant rounds the corner on a busy street in the city of Boston, Mass. Oh. My. God.

"This is the first creature you are to fight. Go now." Uncle Chester tells me. I have to fight that thing?!?!?! d "I have created it in my home lab. Kill Mongo, and let paparazzi get a few good pictures of you. All you may say is, 'My name is Naomi. I work for Chester Fantasia,' then split. Get right back here. Don't argue this is part of the deal. Or should I get my guillotine?" he says, half jokingly.


I arrive in Boston just in time to see a skyscraper get knocked down, and I thank my lucky stars that the building is on schedule for demolition. People stand in the street, screaming. Just as Uncle Chester predicted, television crews and newspaper reporters are scattered all over. I sneak up behind Mongo, and unsheathe my sword. Spectators around me scream and shrink away from my long blade. I jump up, and let my wolf ears and tail become obvious as I fly through the air. I hear people exclaim as I shake off the rest of the camouflage dust I invented to conceal my mutations. I fly up, land on the creatures back, and gouge the monster's eyes so he can't see. The scream emitted from his mouth shook the very earth, it was so loud. I pull out Flash and with a few swift movements, Mongo is a mountain of dust in the middle of the street, a pile of ash, with me standing on top.

For a moment, silence falls like a blanket over the area around the Mongo-bits. Then. cheering erupts all over. flashbulbs blind me, and peole with microphones rush up. I jump down from the giant pile, to be bombarded with questions; "Who are you?" "where did you come from?" "What's your name?" "Where do you shop?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Where'd you get the wolf ears and tail?" " Will we ever see you again?" Flashbulbs distract me, and I almost forget what I'm supposed to say. Soon, it all comes flooding back to me.

"My name is Naomi. I work for Chester Fantasia" I say in a loud, confident voice. Then, I jump into the air, and I'm out of sight.

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now