Chapter 24- steel, steel, everywhere

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After DoughBoy gets slammed behind bars for a while and I get changed out of my battle stuff, Chester and Fiona take me to the Rebel HQ. It's a very modern building, made almost entirely out of stainless steel. I see my reflection in the shiny wall, and almost hurl. I haven't brushed my hair for three days, there's blood, scum, and overall yuckyness all over my jeans and hoodie that I've been wearing for two weeks, and tear streaks line my dirt-caked face. Come on.

Fiona sees me staring in horror at myself and laughs.

"Don't worry," she says. "There are new clothes in your room. You'll be sharing with another recruit-" She stops dead. "I mean, you'll have the room all to yourself." She tries to smile brightly, but I see sympathy in her eyes. Oh. Kye was- oh.

about three more halls of shiny metal that clangs when you step on it. Fankly, I think that stainless steel is a bad idea, seeing how flimsy and noisy it is. I'll . never get any sleep tonight, with all the banging and slamming, plus the worry that the floor's gonna give out under me.) Fiona opens a door at the end of the hall, showing me in. To my relief, this room has wood floors, covered with thick rugs. Two twin beds are on the two opposite walls, tucked soundly into the corners; there are drawers under the beds, plus are dresser for clothes. There's a laundry shoot in the bathroom, connecting to the room. I honestly don't think the laundry people are gonna be too thrilled when they receive my filthy clothes.

"The dressers are stocked with clothes; we received your sizes from Mr. Fantasia here." Fiona says. "Dinner is at 7:00 sharp. It is now 5:30. Feel free to clean up. If you need anything, my room's right down the hall." She gives me a sympathetic smile. She pats me on the back comfortingly as she walks out of the room. I listen to her footsteps echoing down the hall.

"My room is right next door." Uncle Chester says. "Stay here until dinner. There's a surprise coming for you." He smiles mysteriously and leaves. Okaaaaaay.

As soon as I can't hear his footsteps anymore, I can't hold it in any longer. Tear come flowing out of my eyes, a never-ending waterfall. I'm so depressed, I don't even realize how cool the shower is, with all of these buttons for different types of shampoo and stuff. Even as I clean up and braid my hair, the tears continue to spring up. All I can think is Kye. Kye. Kye.... *tear*

Once I'm in the clean, crisp uniform, I collapse on the bed. Ten minutes until lunch, with no surprise. Whatever. This is a good time to let it all out. My pillow is soaked in a matter of seconds. God, I'm such a sap, I think, then decide that I'm not a sap, seeing that someone close to me DIED!

I hear the door open and close, but there's no use in trying to stop the tears. I assume it's Fiona or Uncle Chester, so I ignore the fact there's someone else in the room. Footsteps approach the other bed, and I hear a duffel bag dropped on the bed. The footsteps turn, and hear someone lean against the metallic wall.

"Are you seriously this bummed that I'm your roommate?" A familiar voice says. Could it be? I look up, and there's Kye, staring at me with those strange electric green eyes.


Kye's POV:

At first, she just sits there. Naomi stands up abrubtly and walks over to me. She just stares at me.

"Um, hi." I say. Theat does it. She throws her arms around my neck kand starts sobbing. I'm shocked, but in a goood way.

"That's the dirtiest trick anyone's ever pulled on me." she says in a stone cold voice.

Naomi's POV:

Kye gently puts his arms around me.

"Yeah," he says. "Saving you from drowning is suuuch a terrible thing to do. I'm sooo sorry that I didn't let you end up as a grease splat on the ocean. Would you like me to shift forms again into an eagle and throw you off the building, since you so obviously wanna die?"

I look at him in shock, trying to come up with a snappy retort, but I don't get a chance. The bell for dinner rings.

"I'll be at dinner in a second. You go on without me." Kye shows me to the door and shuts it, giving me barely any time to grab my sword. Sliding it in its sheaf attached to my belt, I realize that I haven't given it a name. All epic people have names for their sword. King Arthur and Excaliber, Percy Jackson and Anaklusmos, you get the gist. Something to ponder on a long, sleepless night. Heck nows I'll have plenty of those coming up.

I go into the dining room, and my breath is taken away- not.Glass tables line the front of the room for higher officers, with padded chairs. For newer recruits and loewer officers, there are plastic chairs and circuler tables are crowded in the back of the room. The walls are- surprise!- stainless steel, wit small holes cut out at the very top. It feels like a prison dining room.

Fiona is sitting at the head table with a tall boy, with dark hair and blue eyes. With a start, I realize that he's the spitting image of Kye! Down to the wave of his hair. I start to wonder if Kye's pulling a dirty trick on me by wearing contact lenses. Then I hear the boy's voice. Deep and smooth as butter, it was haunting. Kina like Kye's. Kye's voice has a powerful aura that makes my heart melt. Not that this boy's voice isn't strong, it's just that, uh... ah... well... okay, I can't quite but my finger on it, but there is a difference. Not a big one, but its there.

The boy and Fiona finally notice me. Fiona shoots me a smile and waves me over. I approach them slowly.

"Um, hi." I say. "What's chiz?" The boy laughs. His laugh is like Kye's.

"So!" he says, looking at me with interest. "This is the girl my twin brother fell in love with. You must be quite a charmer to sway that stone hearted ba****d."

A laugh right out loud.

"I can tell you're his brother." I say, half jokingly.

"You know what, tonight you can sit at the head table with us for dinner." Fiona says. "Bring Kye, too. He and his brother have a lot to catch up on. They haven't seen each other for, what, 10 years? You were seven when you were separated, right?"

"Yeah, just about." The guy's voice becomes gloomy.

I decide to change topic. I HATE sob stories, especially on game shows where they need you to vote for them; "my sister got a tiny bruise yesterday 'cuz she fell on her bike... and... it's been really hard... *sniff**tear*". Blech.

"So, what's your name, anyway?" I inquire.

"Gale Hawthorne. You can call me Gale."

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now