Chapter 2- The Boy With The green Eyes

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Chapter 2- The boy with the green eyes

" Don't say a word. I know you're scared, but I take orders from someone else. Please know that I don't want to hurt you." He said.

His voice. It was kind and gentle , with an obvious tenderness that enveloped me like a blanket, and another tone that I didn't understand. The guy was a teenager, just about 17, like me. From what I could tell in the dark room, he was about 5' 11", muscular, with soft hands touching my back as he helped me. To sit up. Under his black ski mask, I could tell that he had hair the color of melted chocolate, and a handsome face. But the most amazing thing about him was his eyes........ My God, his eyes....... a pure shocking green, the color of new leaves in spring, with amber flecks. They catch me off guard.

" Are ......... You okay?" He asks, a worried darkness in his eyes......... My God, his eyes........ And his voice, oh.......

"Um, besides being kidnapped, I'm just fine and dandy." I say, dripping sarcasm. There was a slight tremor in my voice. Ugh. I have to work on my suavity.

"You look cold. Change into these." He gives me a pair of fur lined pajamas.

"..... Are you gonna be in the room?" I ask, barely suppressing my shaking.

" Um, no?" He exclaims. Damn. So much for suavity.

The boy leaves the room as I change and comes back in after I tell him it's okay.

" So, what's your name, anyway?" I ask, trying to sound disinterested.

"Kye. My mom named my after that folktale, Kye and Sage." He explaines whenI give him a quizzical look.

BEEP! BEEP! A little object on Kye's belt had made the sound.

"Time for lunch, Naomi." He said. " Then up to meet the big man."

Kye's POV( Point of view): The hit men really whaled on her. Poor thing, she has bruises everywhere but her face. I hope the big man, aka Uncle Chester, isn't too mean to her. She's so gorgeous, and trying so hard to conceal the fact that she's terrified, but I can see it in her beautiful ice blue eyes. I just want to hold here in my arms, tell her it's alright, show her that I love her. But my uncle wouldn't like that, and I'm so scared of him. One day, one day.

Naomi's POV: Kye leads me down a long, dark hallway. It got darker and darker as we progressed. When it's pitch black, Kye grabs my hand. He doesn't have a single misstep, even when we come to a step up. I realize that he has been here many times. Kye, who are you?

I see a light at the end of a tunnel. Not the harsh, burning fluorescents, but sunlight! We emerge into a beautiful garden, so beautiful! Sun everywhere! Then I look to the sky, and realize that this is a...... Cage. Metal bars stretch up into the sky, crisscrossed with titanium enforced bars. Gee whiz, they must keep super humans here..... Wait. What if hey know my secret..........

I see that there's a desk in the center of this garden, with a winged swivel chair. I can't see who's sitting there,but I can tell that it's a man. He's muttering to himself, but what he's saying is unclear.

A bird flits through a gap in the bars of this cage thing. Wow, a female red breasted grackle! So rare! Then, to my horror, the man pulls out a shotgun, and BANG! The bird falls dead to the ground.

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