Chapter 20- The Most Luscious sardine Can Ever

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After about 3.75 hours of me flooring it and our voices mingling in song in the hot afternoon, we pulled up to the front of the airport with just 15 minutes to spare. The employee standing there points us to a road leading out back. We drive the car right on to the plane. Two guys are waiting for us at the door with those rods that can sense metal. I'm worried, because my sword, knife, and Light Ribbon are in there, and they're all metal! But, miraculously, the wand goes right by without making a sound! I thank my lucky stars.

When we get into the plane, I inspect my backpack, and realize that there's a special layer of fabric that bounces off metal detectors. Thanks, Uncle Chester.

The plane is very lush. Like, every single surface is covered in velvet. Even the counters have velvet tablecloths. The carpet is wool and extremely shaggy. It seems to be more of a living room then a plane. There's a card table, a mini-fridge, a sofa, a loveseat, a radio, a huge TV, and two chairs. There's a connecting room, and when I look in, there's a bedroom and a connecting bathroom.

The pilot comes out of the cockpit 5 minutes before takeoff, to shake hands and chew the fat. (For readers who don't do old cliches, that means to chat. The alternative is kinda gross. Chewing fat. Ew.)

"So, you kids ready for a three day flight?" The captain asks. I spit out the Fanta I'm drinking in surprise

"THREE DAYS?!?!?!?" I exclaim. Three days on this tin can? The walls feel like they're closing in on me. Oh, God, I can't breath.........

The pilot leaves, and as soon as he can't see me, I collapse onto the sofa. Kye kneels down and looks into my face.

"You okay?" he asks, true worry in his voice. I'm hyperventilating at this point.

"Kye, wake up. We're in a baby plane. A sardine can of death. Kye, get me outta here."

"Yes, it's a baby plane. 'One day It'll grow up to be a 474', to quote James Patterson." He pulls out a thick novel titled "Max. By James Patterson." Huh. "Y'know, I can get you some valium. " He said with a perfectly straight face. I burst out laughing, and it made me feel better. I find that I can breath now.

"Thanks, Kye. I really appreciate it." I say, half jokingly. "Bring on the valium." He takes out a shot full of clear liquid.

"If you say so..." He says. I shriek.

"NO! I WAS ONLY KIDDING! DON'T!" I holler, waving my hands in front of his face. He laughs and puts it back in his pack.

"Just in case, I'll keep it." He snickers. I slap him upside the head playfully.

Just then, the pilot comes over the intercom.

"This is your pilot speaking; we will be making our way to the runway in 30 seconds. You have precisely 2 minutes to get in your seats and buckle up before we take off. Good luck, and have a good flight."

Kye and I look at each other. The plane lurches forward, and springs us into action. We both end up an the loveseat. We're kinda... smooshed together... umm... awkward.. Kye nonchalantly slides his arm around my shoulders as we take off into the sky.

About 10 minutes of sitting in silence goes by, when the intercom buzzes again.

"Hi, it's the pilot. You can get up and wall around now. There are 5000 channels on the TV, and the mini-fridge is stocked up. There are blankets under the couch, and a thermostat on the wall by the bathroom. Make yourself at home." The speaker goes silent.

I waste no time. I fling aft the seatbelt and make a mad dash for the remote, and I get there first! Kye makes a pouty face. I switch on "The Sing Off", the most epic show in the world.

"You like 'The Sing Off' too?" Kye says in shock. "It's the best show ever!"

I look at him, completely stunned. " You like it, too?"

"Um, yeah!?!?!?!?!" He says. We sit in silence, watching The Yellow Jackets, Afro Blue, Vocal Point, Delilah, The Collective, The Dartmouth Aires, Pentatonixs, and Urban Method win and fail. Every once in a while, I look up and out of the window, and about halfway through the show, we come out over the clear, blue ocean.

I'm not sure who went home today,, because just when the host says "And the group who will be singing their swan song tonight is....." All of the lights flicker off, it becomes dead silent, and for a few seconds, the plane stops and hovers. Then, we start plummeting towards the cool, unforgiving ocean.

The Fantasia Chronicles, Book 1- The First FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now