I want you. But you want her.

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[New reader or Re-reader? Thank you for choosing this book. This is one of my first well working books as people keep coming back for more, or new people start to jump in this imagined world I have created.

I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you. Or I hope you enjoy reading it again as that means so much to me as well.

Enjoy the first chapter of Feeling's Fade. Please don't be shy to leave a comment or a vote, as it would help me to increase the amount of chapters I write each week with extra love to you all.

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And lastly thank you again and enjoy!}

Chapter 1

It hurts when the boy you love has eyes for someone else. He doesn't even realize how much he means to you but he just carries on never knowing that your heart is breaking every step he takes towards her. Every kiss he lays on her lips. And every time he says I Love You into her ears.

"Paislee," My head turns to the voice of my name, as it rolls off their tongue. I smile at my best Friend walking over to the table. His usual hotness taking my voice and leaving me staring. How does he look so damn hot in just jeans and a t-shirt?  

My smile drops as I float my eyes over to his arm draped over a cheerleader. She rolls her eyes and glares at me. I turn my head back to my tray of food, as they join me at the lunch table. My salad is drenched in dressing making it unbearable to swallow. My face turns a shade of pink as my name floats from the mouth I desperately want to kiss to my ears. "Paislee? You're going to the party tomorrow night right?" I nod and move my fork, pushing tomato to the other side of the bowl. I raise my head and admire the beauty sitting next to me. He turns and looks at me giving me a warm smile. I smile back.

'Reece? Who is that?" I nod my head toward the blonde cheerleader who is playing with his hair. Why can't I be the one running my hand through his dark brown hair?

"Oh. Pay meet Mia." Mia leans over and scans me up and down. She shrugs and then gets back to playing with his hair. 

I already knew her name, I just wanted to know if he knew hers, if it wasn't just one of his playthings this time and the fact that he was actually spending time with her because he saw her as nice or funny.  But however, that wasn't the case. He knew Mia, meaning he knew what she was capable of. She was one of that girl who could snap her fingers and get whatever she wanted, including guys, including my best friend. 

Ever since Reece had hit puberty, he decided to hit the gym more often and take off those very thick cute glasses he always hid behind. To me I thought it was adorable, I would always use to snatch them off his face and put them on my face and then pretend to be geeky. Except I was. I was a nerd, but with the exception of having one of the hottest boys no stop being around me since kindergarten. And although he wasn't popular or jaw dropping, drool dribbling hot then, he was a cute chubby fat kid, which I happened to feel sorry for but later fell hopelessly in love with. 

I stand up, slowly and make up an excuse to get away from them both. I hate that there is nothing I can do about it. He wants her, he needs her and I will never be her. I shove my salad into the nearest bin and make my way towards the library.

The library is empty, not much of a surprise. No one ever come here unless they have no friends, or have something due next period. I walk up to the librarian who is finding some book their new home. I pick a maroon book of the trolley she is standing by and look at the cover. It doesn't stand out to me so I find the correct spot to put it on the shelves and then begin on the rest. She thanks me for helping and then scurries behind the counter and starts up the computer. I smile and pick a book from the shelves.

Notice me.

I sigh and shove the book back into its place. What a stupid title. I just feel like the world is so against me today.I walk along the next row of books pulling out a large book about eye level and bring it down.


A small noise makes me snap my head back up and meets eyes with dark blue eyes though the separated books. I gulp as the eyes blink and a smile spreads across the person's lips. I take a step back and a small chuckle breaks out. I stare down at the book I had just picked out. I look back up when the chuckle sharply stops. The person is gone. I quickly walk my way to the next shelf where the person was standing before. No one is there. Am I going crazy?

A loud bell noise rips the silence and sends my heart into shock. I place a hand on it to slow it down and take a large breath. I quickly borrow the book and walk out of the library. Great English.

I make my way down the crowded halls and stumble into the classroom. My seat untouched calls out to me as I float to the back row. The corner right of the window, it looks out to an old oak tree and a field of flowers. The best seat in the class. The class begins to fill and the teacher slams down his books on the desk in the front of the classroom.

Just as the teacher begins to write on the whiteboard a loud noise breaks the silence and eyes follow the sound. I look up slowly, taking my eyes away from the book I just borrowed and my eyes lock onto the same perfect blue circles, I saw before.

Cole Turner.

A smirk spreads across his handsome face as he stares back at me. He ignores the complaints from the teacher and walks straight up to me.

"I hope you'll be as happy as you pretend to be." He states as he walks back to the only empty seat in the classroom and throws his bag towards the ground. He looks back at me and his smile fades. The teacher begins his boring lecture and I slip back to reading my book, cramming a headphone into my ear before giving Cole one last glance. What was that all about? Why did he say that to me?

The bell finally rings and I stuff the book back into my bag and shove my seat under the desk. I walk towards the door and slip through the crack before anyone has a chance to react to the bell.

I walk out of the school as the parking lot begins to be a crowd. I look towards the busses searching for Reece. I find him easily because of his tallness and walk faster towards him. My heart stops beating. He is not alone. My eyes watch his every move as he leaves forward towards Mia. His lips crash down on hers and my heart shatters into tiny little pieces. Reece places his hands on her hip and his over hand around her waist bring her closer towards his hard chest. Mia wraps her hands around him and smiles into the kiss. How is it that this is slowly killing me? I better get the dustpan and brush and sweep my heart up.

Reece takes her hand and leads her over to his car. Where they share another long kiss and then climb into it, reversing and driving away. There goes my ride. My best friend and the guy I'm head over heels in love with and there is nothing I can do about it.

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