Favour Of Revenge

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Chapter 8

Reece mumbles something under his breath outside my door. And I turn to it, still trying to zip up the back of my tight red dress. I sigh; I'm being bold tonight. Reece told me to look good and I had to dig out all of my clothing, which is still currently all over the floor. I'm not even sure there is a floor anymore. I struggle again to reach the zip, but fail hopelessly.

"What?" I answer to Reece, who still keeps mumbling under his breath. "If you have something to say, say it!" I shout through the white pale walls.

"Hurry up, you've been in there for an hour now!" Reece thumbs his fist on the door angrily. Well if your trying to step out of your comfort zone, it takes awhile! God he can be so impatient. I whine as the zip is still stuck. "I'm coming in!" He yells and turns the doorknob.

"No!" He chuckles as if to say, too late. I turn around and my eyes meet his green ones. He steps back shocked at what he sees.

"What have you done with Paislee? Who are you?" He looks confused. I smile through my red lipstick and move towards the mirror in my room. I don't look that different do I? My tight dress, reaches a few centimetres above my knees, my hair is put down from my usual bun and is curled into beautiful dark brown locks. My face has a little bit of makeup covering my flaws and hiding some freckles. And my eyes are not covered with the large black glasses I normally wear showing my hazel eyes. Maybe I do. I hardly recognise the face staring back. Is that really me? I laugh at Reece's comment and take it as a compliment.

"Can you help me please?" I ask in a small voice, and turn around so that Reece's eyes can scan to the problem. I feel his eyes burning holes into the back of my dress. His cold fingers make a resting spot on my hip and his other guided to the zipper. He slowly pulls on it and it begins in motions following the path like a train on its track. Instant warmth spreads through me as the zip comes to a stop. My heart flutters against my chest as he spins me around and my eyes drop to his lips again. His eyes are filled with the same lust and he look at me through a piece of hair that has fallen into his vision.

"Pay you look beautiful." He whispers. Kah-Boom! I think my heart just exploded around the room. He leans closer towards my lips, angling his head to correctly slide in and steal another kiss.

Our lips crash together. I let out a small cry as it surprises me; he pushes me against my white cupboard. He bites my lip pulling back and letting go. A string of sweet pain but pleasure ripples through my face. He steps back giving me a chance to look at him properly. Dark jeans, which wrap around his legs perfectly, and a tight navy t-shirt that clings to him all in the right places. I gush and he takes my hand, sending small shots of shivers through my spine.

"Are you ready?" He asks, his eyes still locked onto my tight dress. I nod and make my way out of the room towards the front door where my red heels wait for me. Lets just say I have had a go on them before, hopefully enough that I don't fall flat on my ass tonight. His eyes fill with surprise when he spots my shoes.

"Have you ever worn heels?" Reece questions as we walk closer to the front door. I slide them on carefully and look at him. I think I'm falling even more for him every time he cares about me.

"Uh, yeah once." I giggle a little as I stand up straight and go to walk to the door, but the heel slips under me and sends me towards the ground. I wait for the impact but it never comes. Reece has his large arms around my waist and a smirk is planted across his face. He helps me up right and snakes a hand around my small waist.

"I guess you better stay with me tonight, Pay." He chuckles opening the front door and guiding me down the drive, to his car. "Otherwise you might fall and hurt yourself." He opens the door to his car and I slip in. Reece jumps in and starts the car straight away, the radio begins to play and a catchy tune comes on. I start to sing along with the beat but my vocal cords can never reach the high points so I give up.  Reece chuckles beside me and pulls away from the curb and tears off to the destination of the loud music. His cologne wraps around me, making me feel safe. I smile and then a large house comes into view. A motorbike by the gutter catching eyes of young girls wanting to be the ones on it, picturing themselves riding it with the boy who owns it.

Reece parks his car a few houses down and we get out, he runs to my side and helps me walk. Once I get the hang of how to walk properly he releases me a little. We walk up the lawn and my heels sink in a little as teenagers drinking, kissing and talking surround us. I manage to make it to the door first and push it open with my hand. The music blasts, leaving a small ringing in my ears. The smell of alcohol makes me scrunch up my nose and almost turn to run back to the car and demand the Reece takes me home. A few boys from the football team pass by us, eyeing me and making dirty remarks and then fist bumping Reece. He looks slightly annoyed at them but the takes my hand and pushes through the crowd of teenagers, which are hypnotised by the music.

He walks ahead dragging me along with him; small 'hello's' and 'welcomes' surround us. We get to the kitchen and Reece offers me a red cup. I decline and grab a bottle of water. What? I'm not a fan of being drunk and finding myself in someone's bed.

"Stay here I'll be back," he lifts me up onto the counter and smiles at me. I nod and then make myself more comfortable wriggling back a little. The pressure off my feet feels so good. Another track of music burst through the stereo and more people start to dance, losing my view of Reece's muscle back.

A large group of shouts break out and I find myself jumping on the counter and walking over to the noise. "CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!" I break through the crowd, which is surrounded around a couch. My eyes find the reason behind the chanting and I squirm. Cole is downing a large amount of alcohol. I gasp as the empty bottle is slammed down onto a table and his eyes connect with mine. Screams of achievement break the crowd and money is placed into a waiting hands.

A grin breaks out from Cole's face and he lies back onto a stained couch, which was once white. Cole is shirtless, and God his eight pack is amazing. Snap out of it. You hate him remember? A joint finds its way towards his mouth and he breathes it in, he then lets his arm angle to the edge of the couch. A large puff of smoke is released from his mouth and his sighs in reply of the escaping air. The crowd slowly breaks and I'm the only person still staring at Cole. An amused smirk plays on his lips and he hands the joint to a friend standing up and walking towards me. This can't be good. I go to walk away but his arm quickly slides around my waist. I flinch uncomfortably under his hold.

'Has the good boy kissed you yet, proving his undying love to you, baby?" Cole leans closer; I can smell the horrid taste of alcohol on his breath. I try to break away but he tightens his hold on me. "Or is it too late and the slut, Mia already claimed him?" His eyebrow arches and his breath tickles my neck.

"Release me Cole." I sneer at him pushing his bare chest, but he doesn't budge. A person leans over and whispers something in his ear, slurring a little. His eyes widen and a grin plays out on his gorgeous face.

"Looks like were going to see." He quickly pulls me over and into another room, heading up some stairs and stopping at a closed door. He lets go of my body and I begin to breathe again. "Go in." He motions to the door, leaning against the frame." I look of confusion crosses across my face. Cole just rolls his eyes and turn the door handle, pushing the door open. I turn my body and stand in the centre, curious to find what's behind it. The room is pitch black, but my eyes adjust to it and I see a large bed in the centre of the room. And on the bed are Reece and Mia. I scream and as if they have just noticed me they rapidly cover their privates and a swarm of guilt spreads through Reece's eyes.

"Paislee-" Reece mutters out but before I hear the rest of his stupid, stupid words I sprint towards the stairs, following them down to the first floor. I try to keep steady on my high heels and barge through the crowd towards the front door. Footsteps behind me follow my every move, a small tear trickles down my cheek. My red dress making it impossible to run as I find myself heading towards the street, avoiding all the couples snogging on the lawn. My heart stops. How am I supposed to get home? Reece drove me and it's like an hour walk back to my house. I never should have trusted him, Cole was right all along.

I make my way towards Cole's motorbike. And turn around finding Cole dodging a couple attached by the lips. His smirk has disappeared and his eyes are locked on me. "Paislee? Are you okay?" He stops next to me, wrapping me in a warm hug. Should I trust him? He's the jerk who through me into this trap. But he showed me something. Reece never loved me. Nor will he ever.

We release from the warm embrace and I stare into Cole's hard blue eyes. They are filled with concern and a tad of guilt. I smile and nod, wiping away the tear that fell. Time to make a deal with the devil.

"I want in on the favour of revenge." I snarl.

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