King to My Queen with Broken Crowns

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Chapter 16

Trust is what you expect from people close to you, so here is a little experiment: give everyone you know a lighter, now cover yourself in gasoline...

And I felt as if I just threw a bomb at Cole, which wasn't covered in gasoline. No. He was covered in TNT. And I had just started a massive explosion. But what happened next had me rethinking if that bomb had been lit.

A small smile crept onto his lips and he walked towards me, like I hadn't just let Reece take the final piece of me. He was tooth grinning, smiling, almost bursting out into a laugh. I couldn't take it anymore, why the hell was he smiling!?

"What?"I swipe my face for a falling tear but Cole quickly grabs my hand before it can reach my cheek.

"You're so beautiful when you cry." He mumbles, stepping closer. "I don't want to see you hurt but it brings out the colours in your eyes." His smile fades. "The colours I had in my eyes, the start of when all things were falling to an end."

"What are you talking about?" My face scrunches together and another tear leaks it's way down my face. Cole watches the liquid drip down to my chin and hang there before he takes his thumb and wipes the trail it left behind.

"The anger, the hurt, the redemption." His smile is back, fitting the final puzzle piece to his gorgeous face. "And the fact that you will get back at him and soon all the colour will grow into something stronger." He pushes my body into the brick wall beside the front door. "New beginnings, adventure and being able to move on." In a way it felt like he was explaining his past but covering it with mine.

"Is this about the plan? To get back at them?" My head shakes a little in confusion. "I have to hurt someone else to become happy again?" The fog beginning to clear.

"No, you're doing this for yourself, so am I- were doing it for us."

I decided to ask the question that I could never figure out, the one that had been on my mind for day, weeks even.

"Cole. What did Mia do to you? How did she hurt you so bad that you want to get back at her?"

The brightness in his eyes faded, as if the bad memories came rushing back into his head, locking his walls back up and making his smile disappear. He steps back, the book still gripped tightly in his hands as he looks down at the floor.

"She hurt me, hurt me bad. When I needed her the most she wasn't there. S-she-" Cole begins to choke up, his voice going smaller and quieter as he spoke. "She was with Reece." He gulps.

"Oh." Part of me knew he was hiding something, the pained look on his face showed it all.

He pushed the bad memories away and then raised his head back up, locking my eyes with his clear blues. "So shopping tomorrow after school?" His eyes search my face for any sign of a reaction.

I nod, looking down at my hands.



"Trust me, that feeling, it will go away."

"How do you know?" My voice squeaks "How will I know it's gone?"

"Feelings fade, Paislee. You will know when you start falling for someone else, or have new feelings for the old person." He grins. "Now tomorrow, you better be ready to look like a queen, because we have work to do." He winks, handing me the English book.

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