Shattered Pieces and Stolen Wishes.

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Chapter 15

Cole's grin widens, his face brightening up at the sound of acceptance. Should I take back what I just said? Am I do something wrong again? Maybe it wouldn't be too late to be a spinster. I mean a cat would make me happy. All I would have to do is just walk out that door, run away, hide back in my old person, the quiet, no talking, no friend's weirdo. Maybe I could call my Cat Fergus. That a cute name, right? Ferguson is now appealing to me more then being involved with the drama I never thought I would get into.

"Okay, plan." Cole said, breaking my thoughts of becoming a crazy cat lady. He pushed back of the door and walked to the other side of the room. Whoa, I totally forgot that I was in his room. Cole Turner's room. Give me a second.

His walls were a dark shade of deep blue, matching his eyes, clothes were lazily placed in his cupboard, spilling out and forming a large pile on the floor. I knew guys had that clothing situations, such as if it was clean it was good and if it were smelly it would join the others, on the floor. His bed took up most of the space in his room, his black covers making me want to hide in them. They looked so warm and Cole sleeps in them, probably shirtless. He has those amazing abs, I really wouldn't mind waking up next to that- getting off topic here.

Okay screw being a spinster, I totally wouldn't last one day. I have already thrown my imaginary Ferguson in the trash. Shame on me.

His floors were covered in the softest fabric, which spread to every corner of his rectangle room. Apart from that it was bare, no photos, no signs of his personal touch anywhere (Apart from the three story pile of clothing) it was if he only slept here if he had nowhere else to go.

Cole sat down on the other side of his bed, looking out through the large square window, facing his backyard.  He started muttering something under his breath and suddenly stopped. I looked up, walking towards him. This boy was strange. But sexy strange.

"Okay so we know that Mia values her reputation more than anything, more than boys, including Reece." His eyes darted towards me, the blue swirling in them like clogs ticking around in a clock. This boy was on to something. 

"Yeah. But how are we suppose to knock the crown of her head?"

Cole stood up, his eyes wide and his hands to his neck. He paced the room, searching for some unknown answer. He looked cute with his concentration face.

What is happening to me? Why am I all over Cole? Mentally making a note to slap myself hard when Cole was out of sight to regain my smart side. Because the dumb Paislee is taking a turn at the wheel more than she is suppose to lately.

"I have it!" He yelled, sharply pausing his pacing and staring straight at me. "You're a genius!" I smiled. Finally someone noticed.

"Please do share."

"Mia would be devastated if you of all people knocked the crown of her stupid head."



One word stopped my heart. One word stopped my thoughts. One word sent me off the edge of the cliff that I had been sitting silently on. Cole had pushed me off that cliff into shark-infested waters.

Prom was a major no-no. I had always hated the thought of dancing, being surrounded by people and of course watching my crush taking someone else. So Reece and me had made it a tradition. We would sit at home and binge watch movies. Halloween dances, sweetheart dances, even Daddy, daughter dances. It was just too much, the fact you would have to go out and buy a dress, buy shoes, have make up, and look silly in front of the whole school was my worst nightmare. I guess I forgot about not being Reece's friend to realise that the binge movie marathon wasn't going to be happening this year.

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