I kidnapped you.

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Chapter 9

Cole looks at me in surprise. His words have vanished and replaced with a smug smirk. Something spreads in his eyes but we are interrupted by a loud aggressive noise coming out of the house. My head flicks over to the source and one semi-naked Reece is coming towards us. My eyes widen and I quickly grab Cole by the arm yanking him towards his bike.

"Paislee! DON'T! ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!" He yells loudly, shoving a boy out of the way and making his way faster towards us. Cole understands and chucks a helmet at me. I shove it on my head; not caring about the fact that my hair is destroyed and my tears have messed up my make up. I shouldn't be crying! He should! He the one who screwed this friendship up.

Cole jumps on the motorbike starting the engine and roaring it, Reece comes to a halt afraid of the sharp noise. I quickly climb on and wrap my hands around Cole's hard, bare waist. Reece shakes his head, realisation washing over him and launching at me. But he is too slow. Cole has zoomed away from his reach and started to speed up. The slow hum coming from the engine. Reece lets out a cry and begins to run after us. He becomes a figure in the pitch-black night, to a speck and then to a dot, standing lonely in the middle of the road.

"Take me somewhere, I need to get away," I yell to Cole turning my head towards his broad shoulder. He nods approving and flinches when I hold tighter on his stomach. My heart begins to slow down and relax. I look out into the landscape. Noting but trees now. We're out of town by a few minutes. The wood grows thicker as we drive longer down the road. My eyes begin to water again, and Cole looks back slightly hearing me sniffle.

"Its okay, Paislee." He reassures me, he turns back to the road and gulps. My head swirls into thoughts, my brain becoming numb with so many mixed emotions. I don't need Reece. I don't need anyone. What I need is to be alone, With Cole. Far away from any humanity and any hurt that can come to me. My heart has suffered enough for tonight. I lean my head against Cole's back. He must be freezing wearing no shirt. As if he hears what I was thinking, we begin to pull over into a petrol station. Light enters my eyes making me squint to try and see my surroundings.

The engine shuts off and I step off. Cole wraps his arm around my waist helping me balance. I realize I'm missing a shoe and the cold ground makes me shiver. He guides me into the store and helps me to a seat. I sigh, wiping my eyes again, getting rid of more escaping tears.

Cole bends down, slipping my shoe off and throwing it in the garbage. He quickly walks to a rack of items and pulls out flats and two jumpers. Cole quickly grabs some food and pays at the counter. I take my helmet off slowly, unclipping the strap and putting it beside me. He comes back and helps me put my shoes on, while I slip the warm jumper over my head. The fabric welcomes me and my body begin to warm me up. Cole slips on his and He smiles and helps me stand up. I pick up the helmet slowly and he hands me a plastic bag. Cole walks out to his bike and jumps on, giving me a hand to step on. We are soon on the road, me having his comfy back in a warm embrace. No doubt there is going to be rumours on Monday, everyone is going to be talking about how Cole and I ran off together. Together we are chasing stars in our galaxy. I make my own make-believe bored of the silence and let my head slip into a little moment, dreaming endlessly as if there is nothing in the world that can stop me.

I have no idea what time it is, but the sun is beginning to find its way into a new day; Cole must have been driving for hours. For me. I smile at him and raise my head and look slowly around, letting the fresh air hit my cheeks. Our shadows are dancing in the colour of the golden light, on the side of the road. Cole slows down as he turns into the woods, following a dirt road.

"Where are we?" I mumble, turning my attention to the front. Cole's hair has been pushed back, but he still manages to look sexy, even from behind. "We're at my parents cabin." He speaks in a low voice, his gaze still towards the road. The woods begin to get more crowded as we go deeper into the woods; a small mailbox stands in the middle of a 'Y' section. Cole turns left, dust flying up behind us. The bike begins to rumble as it slows down completely and we park in front of a hidden cabin. It's a hexogen style, which has a covered Jacuzzi outside, collecting dead leaves. The porch is surrounding the cabin with small individual wooden planks. Trees have begun to welcome the cabin by carefully surrounding it, keeping it hidden from the back.

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