The Black Leather Jacket

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Chapter 3

I shove the key into the lock of the door to my house. It swings open and not other than a dark, empty house welcomes me in. I step in out of the cold. My phone beeps as the door closes. I quickly dig through my bag and take it out. A face of perfection brightens up the screen. Under the photo is the name belonging to the face.

Reece Mace.

My smile grows. He called! Maybe he's going to profess his love to me! I turn the lounge room light on and press the green phone button. I quickly sit down on the cream couch and raise the phone to my ear. Rather than hearing 'I love you Paislee.' I hear a loud shouting stern voice through the phone.

"Where the hell are you?!" The image of Mia and him kissing floods my mind.

"I'm at home, Reece."

A sigh comes through the phone. "Oh. Thank god your safe." I smile. He was worried. Well, he should've been. He left me! My happiness quickly turns to anger but I stuff it down.

"Is that all?" I quickly snap, releasing that I didn't stuff it down enough.

"Ye- wait. How did you get home? It's chucking it down. You would have to be crazy to walk in that" He questions through the phone. Shouldn't I be the one questioning where he was? I mean he did ditch me.

"I got a ride," I reply quickly hoping he doesn't notice the worry in my voice. I quickly stand up and make my way to the kitchen. A note is stuck to the fridge. I scan my eyes over the writing waiting for a response from Reece.

Sorry sweets, we won't be back till late. 10ish or so. Your father got an extra shift and I have to work at the hospital for longer this week. Order yourself take away and be safe.

Love you. Mum. Xx

I sigh into the phone realizing that Reece just asked me a question. He repeats it again.

"With who, Pay?" His voice rising with anger.

"Um, what's his name?" I pretend to stall. Bad idea.

"Paislee, who gave you a lift home?" I gulp, knowing that he isn't going to like the name.

"Cole. Cole Tur-"

"WHAT!" He interrupts me. "That's it I'm coming over." And before I can't reply he hangs up. I walk down the hall catching sight of myself in the mirror. My clothes are completely dripping, the backs of my jeans are muddy and Cole's Jacket is still placed nicely on my shoulders.

I swear under my breath and run into my room. I stuff the jacket under my bed and grab another t-shirt and small shorts. I throw the wet clothes in my washing basket and quickly pick my phone up. I order some Chinese and carefully go to apply a little bit of make up. The doorbell echoes through the house. That was quick. He must be in a real rush to see me. I smile and run to the door swinging it open. But Reece isn't standing there. It's Cole.

"Um, what are you doing here?" He smiles.

"My jacket." His eyes burn into me, as he looks me up and down. "Is this how you always dress when you get home?" He whistles and I roll my eyes. Guys are just dogs.

"It's in my room." I sigh, walking down the hall. The front door closes softly and his footstep echo as he follows me. I bend over and retrieve the black leather from under my bed.  I turn around ready to hand him the jacket and for him to leave but when I do Cole is standing too close to comfort  A spark flies through my body as the heat scatters across our bodies. I jump in surprise and I stumble back pulling Cole on top of me on my bed. The soft bed greeting us.

"This is the second time we have ended like this." He smirks propping himself up. My hands are firmly on his chest still gripping the leather coat between us. I move my eyes down towards his soft pink lips again. Sparks fly throughout my body at the realisation that he is the first boy who hasn't been scared away by being too close to geeky me. He moves his hand up and puts them in my hair, his eyes locking with mine. But yet again the same look spreads across his face and he stands up pulling me with him. His other arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer towards his hard chest. The smirk playing on his lips again. "You want to kiss me don't you." Is he bipolar or what?

He slowly moves me against the wall. Both of his arms strongly blocking me from my movement. 

"What! No! I would never want to kiss you." I shake my head and slit my eyes. He is a player, I keep telling myself. His smirk stretches. 

"I need your he-"

And that's when the doorbell decided to go off.  Shit! Reece. I push him backward,  still clutching the jacket. He gives me a confused look. "You have to go!" His face shows hurt. I weep inside. He turns to walk out my bedroom door but I grab his arm. Shoving the jacket into his hands, I pull him over to the window and open it. "Jump!" His face turns to a playful smirk.

"You want me to jump? Are you hiding me from someone?" I nod and push him closer to the window urging him to be quick. The doorbell rings and he jumps out. "Bye, beautiful." I close the window and smile. I watch him as he creeps around the wall and peers around the corner. I tear my eyes away from him and run towards the front door.

I turn the handle and a very unhappy, Reece pushes past me.

"Is he still here?" He slams the door and corners me up against the wall.

"No." He scoffs at my small lie.

"Then why is his fucking bike out there Paislee?" 

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