Sore losers

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Chapter 10

My eyes flutter open, Cole's hand is still resting on my waist and his breaths are matching a certain pace. My head is tucked under his chin and my hands are stuck between our chests. I smile as the warmth is wrapping around us. The blanket has fallen down to our hip and the room is still pitch black. I yawn quietly, my throat dry like a desert. I squirm in Cole's hold, his firm chest against me. He moves in his sleep pulling me closer to him.

His eyes snap open and he yawns loudly, rubbing his face with his hand. His other arm is trapped under my body. He rolls back, facing me and our eyes are locked, a few inches closer and our lips would be touching. I smile at his bed hair. He smiles and props himself up and then leans over me. I laugh and he leans closer, his lips touch my jaw and instant shivers scream through my body. He kisses down again, going onto my neck, I moan a little and he covers my mouth with his hand.

'Shhh, baby." He chuckles and returns his lips to my collarbone. I sneak my tongue out from my lips and slowly lick his hand. He quickly takes his hand away from my face and lets out a cry. I laugh and stare into his ocean eyes. He lets out a small scoff and begin to smirk. "Oh you want to play at that game?" He lowers his head as if he is about to kiss me again but lets his tongue crash onto my cheek and he licks upwards, leaving a wet patch by my eye. I squirm and try to break free, but he wraps his hand out my waist, keeping me in my place. I raise my hand, my laughter dying down. I stroke his cheek and he begins to look serious. I carefully sneak my hand under the pillow above my head. He leans forward, our breaths matching and then SMASH! A large puffy pillow hurdles to his perfect face. He screams in surprise and lets go of me. I make my chance to escape, still holding the pillow. It feels good to get a little of my own revenge.

He regains in rapid speed, grabbing the other pillow. He chucks it at my body, standing on the bed. I quickly jump and it flies to the other side of the room. My feet hit the bed softly and he scampers around the bed and dives for the pillow. I hit him and it lands on his upper back. He stands up and I get him again in the face. I bounce on the bed feeling young again. He smirks lazily and swings at my legs again. My foot catches it and I go falling towards the mattress. He laughs and jumps on top of me. He quickly holds the pillow to my side, stopping me from getting my own little revenge. He then repeatedly hits my face softly with the pillow. I let out a flow of laughs, he stops and his face appears behind the pillow. He smirks, "Give up beautiful?" I shake my head and it connects with another pillow.

"Okay, fine! Fine!" I yell.

"Say you give up!" He yells, and I go to open my mouth but he clamps down n it with his own. My eyes close instantly and fireworks pop throughout my brain. "I so give up." I mumble into our kiss, I feel him smile and slowly part away.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you." His smirk gets larger and his dark hair hovers over his eyes.

"I give up." I mumble and he smiles. He rolls off of me and lies beside me. Our eyes trained to the ceiling. I smile thinking of the moment we just shared, raising my fingers to my lips and keeping a hold of the small tingles that vibrate in my lips. My sweet little revenge wasn't as good as his.


We're in the kitchen and I take a small peek in the plastic bag, still out on the counters. Chocolate, hot chocolate, a bag of skittles and a box of tissues. I laugh. This guy is real rubbish at buying food. When we're married, I'm the going to be the one grocery shopping.

When we're married?! Did I seriously think that! What is wrong with me?

Cole's head snaps up, his eyes fill with a questioning glance. "What's wrong with the food?" I laugh harder and empty the plastic bag on the counter. He looks at me as if there isn't wrong with having it for breakfast. Even though it's nearly lunchtime.

"What are we suppose to eat Cole?" He rubs his hand on the back of his neck. "We're going to starve to death," He smiles, his pearly whites showing, making my heart flutter.

"Uh well, I wanted to get you here and I guess I didn't think about that." I laugh; we're so going to die in the middle of the woods.

"There's a shop not far from here, I can go get some food later." He sits down on the couch, facing the fire. Grabbing the skittles I make my way to the other side of the sofa, facing him. I spread my legs out, he does the same. I open the packet greedily. Taking one skittle. He opens his mouth wide and I aim for his tongue. I throw it and it bounces off his chest and lands hopelessly on the floor. He lets out a little laugh, "Again." He groans, "try and get the mouth this time." He smirks. I throw a red one but again it bounces of his cheek. He chuckles, "Wow you suck at this game Paislee," I scrunch my eyebrows together and concentrate harder. I grab another one out of the packet and this time on bounces of his forehead. The little coloured sweets litter the floor and couch, and I let out an impatient sigh, what a waste of perfect candy. We continue to pass the packet to each other and aim at each other to see who can catch the most skittles in their mouth.

Cole puts his hand in the packet and digs out a green one, "ready?" he comments. As he throws it, the skittle hits me on my nose and then springs down onto my lap. "You really suck at catching and throwing the skittles." He throws me the packet and I manage to finally catch something. "Congrats." He smiles. I tell him to shut up and take aim at him, throwing a yellow skittle, it hurtles towards him and lands on his lip but again it fall to the floor. He cracks up laughing. I shove my hand in the packet once more, taking a large handful.

"Hey, Cole. One more go? Please?" A small smirk creeps on my lips and he nods, settling down. He opens his mouth and shuts his eyes.

I throw about 15 skittles through the air at him all at once. One lands perfectly in his mouth, while the others assault his gorgeous face. "Ka-pow!" My grin stretches as victory passes through me. He opens his eyes, eating the skittle and then grabs the packet. Rather than throwing some at me, he turns the packet upside down and a shower of colour sprays over me. I let out a small laugh. What a sore loser.

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