Somethings Are More Fragile Than Others

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The long wait is finally over, thank you for being patient even though my promises weren't followed through and the story has been left hanging for a while.

I know this is going to sound like another disappointment to you. But I have exams coming up and I'm really sorry but I don't know when ill next be able to update.

And I Know this is probably

But for now, please enjoy this chapter- as its the one that links many together with a new mystery in Paislee's life. 

Enjoy :)


Chapter 17

Some things are more fragile than others

Panic attacks or am I just love sick?

Apparently, my injuries were just getting worse. Laying me on the hospital bed only stopped the shaking.

The screaming, however, was worse, through the wards and out the doors, apparently, the whole street heard it, over the zooming cars, train horns, and when the rain started. As if it felt how I feel right now.

They strapped me, to stop my hands ripping out my hair, to stop the kicking of my legs and to prevent me from any more harm my body could face. The only thing I remember was that they're people in the room with me, listening to my cries and just wishing I'd pull through.

Then it all stopped, my body gave up trying to fight, and my head gave up trying to make sense of the situation playing out in my mind. Everything and everyone stopped.

I listen to the gentle breeze blowing past my window and the song it whistle as it got trapped. I listen to the other patience worrying if they could make it through their suffering, or the family member work out if they could afford the treatment or not. That why I like being silent, a small smile crept on my face. You can hear things and nobody can know if you're listening or not because their way to caught up in it.

"I haven't seen anything like that in years," A hush of voices slivered through the crack in my hospital room. "It was like she was possessed."

"Is there anything you can do?" My mother whispers, concern filling her voice. "How did this happen to my baby?"

"Ma'am, I have no answers right now for the cause of her situation but I promise you we are working on it to insure this does not happen again." A shuffle of feet confuse me, are they leaving? Or are they coming?

"Mummy?" I whisper, my throat dry causing the raspiness of my voice to make me never want to talk again. Someone comes into the room, a tall figure standing over me, gently taking my hand in theirs and gliding the thumb across my knuckles. My mouth breaks into a smile, my eyes shifting up to the person the hand belongs to.

"Sweetly! Your awake!" My mother comes charging into the room, I shift my head away from the figure and look at my mother. Dark black bags show she hasn't been sleeping very well, and her clothes look thrown on rather than the mother I know to be quite well with handling dying people.

Did I really just say that? Am I dying?

Well, it certainly feels like it.

"Dear your going to be okay, the doctors are working things out and I'll have you out of here in no time." She lets a worried smile slip on her face. "I'll soon be able to take care of you when we get home." A sharp nerve in her voice, the same way she talked to the doctor.

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