Let's Make it Right

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Chapter 7

It's now just Reece and I, we make our way slowly down the hall. His eyes keep glancing at me; I turn frustrated with everyone today. I let out a large sigh and Reece snaps his head towards me.

"What?" I yell out wanting to know why he is playing with me. He snickers.

"I'm just thinking." Reece states as we walk towards the last door on the left, the detention door just up ahead. I groan. Was Cole right? Is he toying with me or do those looks actually mean something else? "About?" I ask daringly. He looks a little taken back. I'm not really the kind of person that cares that much, I just shove my head into books and watch as the world disappears around me. I guess I have changed a little. I'm more confident with my voice. And I stood up to Cole. I'm not one of his little fan girls and I will never be.

"Well you know." Reece scratches the back of his head and then opens the door to the detention room. The teacher is snoring lightly. We're the only two in detention. I quietly go to his desk and grab a marker and write down our name, showing that we showed up. The only other names on here are Cole Turner and there are about 30 of them. I silently move to the back with Reece, his eyes looking at my body. I blush hard. As I sit down next to him his eyes fill with the same thing this morning. Lust.

"Why didn't you kiss me?" I ask referring to this morning. His eyes open wide and his jaw tightens. Reece shifts uncomfortably in his seat, the desire in his eyes slowly drains out.

"Uh, what?" He pretends to be deep in thought. I sigh having enough.

"Why didn't you kiss me this morning? Am I that bad?" Reece looks up slowly realizing I'm hurt. He grabs my hand and warmth spreads throughout my body.

"What has happened to you lately. Your more open, moody?" Is he trying to change the subject? I just want a straight answer!

"Reece don't change the subject." I glare at him. "Why didn't you kiss me when you could have, when you wanted to?" I dare, my voice getting higher with the thought of rejection. He turns his body facing me.

"Because it wasn't right." My heart cracks a little. Why wasn't it right? What is on about? Is he just trying to get out of the truth? Maybe Cole was right. My eyes blink a few times my mind filling with what Cole said to me.

He doesn't love you. Nor will he ever.

My anger rises. I stand up and head towards the door. Reece jumps up and grabs my arm, spinning me and pinning me to the wall. "Let me make it right." He stares into my eyes. A hint of gold spreads through his green eyes. He leans towards me and our breathing slows down. My heart is about to explode. Reece leans in and I close my eyes sharply. But all I see is Coles face. Snickering.

He leads you on.

Our lips touch, but there isn't any spark. I though fireworks will be shooting right about now. I thought my knees will go weak and I would have trouble breathing for the rest of my life. But no. Cole has ruined it for me. My lips don't own to Reece anymore. Cole owns them.

I try hard to enjoy the moment while it last. Reece slides his arms around my waist and I make a loop around his head with mine. But it doesn't feel amazing, like I dreamt of millions of times, how our first kiss would play out together. Am I really falling for Cole over Reece? No. I kiss back hard, trying to prove my brain wrong. My heart love Reece. I love Reece. I have done for more than 12 years.

Reece breaks away and we both try and catch our breath. My face is bright red and his is as perfect as ever. "Is all forgiven, Pay?" He leans his forehead against mine. I stutter out a yes and he grins showing off his pearly whites. The bell goes and we break away from each other.

Reece walks me to my next class and then heads off back down the hall. I try to concentrate in class but all I can think about is Reece and our kiss. Did it mean anything to him or was Cole right about leading me on? I shake my head clearing my thoughts and stand up as the last bell sounds the end of the day. I rapidly rush to my locker shoving my books back in and running outside looking for Reece. He is leaning against his car and the sun beams down on him as if he's some god. I smile largely and make my way over to him. Reece opens the passenger door for me and I climb in. Once he's in and we're buckled up he looks over at me. His eyes dancing with playfulness and a smirk on his lips says it all.

"Ready to party?"

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