Chinese Noodles

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Chapter 4

I gulp and turn my head to look out the window. "W-what?" I look to the road and a motorbike zooms off. 'Well it's not there now." I smile trying to lighten the mood. Reece doesn't look like he's laughing though. His face is red and his eyes are full of rage.

"Why was he here Paislee?" He walks closer towards me, I step back my back slamming into the wall.

"He came to get his jacket." I state, no point of lying he will just get angrier. I lower my head as he steps one more. Reece breathes down the side of my face. He slams his fist into the wall above my head and I jump. My eyes squeezing shut for a second, as my heart rate plummets.

"Don't go near him ever again. And if he talks to you, run the other way. Do you understand?" His voice getting calmer. I nod afraid to speak. Why does he hate Cole so much?

"I'm sorry Reece-" I begin, but I'm pulled into a hug. I melt into his arms.

"I was so worried about you Pay." He whispers in my ear. My heart feels like he has got the glue and put all the pieces back together. I smile.  He grabs my hand and separates from the hug. No keep hugging me! I want you to hug me forever.  He leads me over to the couch and sits down. I pull my legs up and hug my chest. He said he was worried about me, now I know there is at least one emotion inside of his complicated mind that cares about me. Progress.

Then the doorbell rings.

Reece snaps his head towards the door. His face filling with anger. He's like a guard dog. And I kinda like being guarded especially by such a hot guy. Reece stands up and makes his way to the door, swinging it open.

"Hello! I have your Chinese takeaway!" Reece looks startled and then calms down giving a small chuckle. I pop up looking for my purse.

"How much dude?" Reece give the guy the money and then taking the food. He closes the door and meets eye with me standing behind him with my purse in my hands.

"I could have paid for that." I give him a glare.  He chuckles.

"It's fine seriously." He grins walking towards the kitchen. "I'm starved. Let's eat!" Reece grabs two plates and empties the noodles and dumplings on both plates.  He smiles as he hands me a plate. "So want to watch a movie?" He eyes search my face.

"Sure." I quickly put my food on the table closest to the couch and grab a new movie from a stack near the tv, shoving it in the DVD player. I then, make my way towards the sofa jumping next to Reece. He puts an arm around me as the movie starts. Noodles on his lap and he slowly eats them. I grab my Chinese and act as if his arm isn't doing anything to my heart.

Half way through the movie, my eyes begin to get heavy. They close and I snuggle up to Reece who is so fixed on the movie he doesn't even realise I'm half asleep. I pull up the blanket and wrap it around us.


Sunlight pours through the windows, which we forgot to close. My head is numb and I glance up. Oh and what a sight I see. Reece's face is centimeters from mine. He must have fallen asleep to and fallen sideways pulling me with him.  My body is being crushed against the sofa and Reece's drool worthy body. I take this as my advantages to be able to look at him. He looks so peaceful, his eyes are closed hiding those green emeralds. His nose is crooked, reminding me of how he got it, we were on our bikes and he ran over a rock and went face first, leading to 2 days in the hospital, a concussion and nine stiches. I raise my hand up to his face and trace the scar with my fingertips.

He moves under the feeling and I sharply move my hand away from his nose being careful not to lose this amazing moment. Both his arms are wrapped around my waist pulling me against his rock hard body, his shirt up a little showing his eight pack. I gasp never being this close and personal with them. My heart picks up ignoring that it's still a little broken from yesterday.  I smile and tilt my head under his chin, snuggling closer. Please stay here forever.

As if the all the gods are against me at this moment he begins to wake. His eyes flutter open and realising how close we are he chuckles.  Taking back his arms, he carefully skims one over my face, taking a strand of loose hair out of my eye.

"We have school today." I push his hard chest, slightly annoyed that he has ruined the moment. He falls off the couch and a loud thump sound tells me the fall hurt. I peer over the side of the sofa and he is staring back at me. He reaches for my waist and yanks me on top of him. I let out a small squeal. "Oh, You're  so going to pay for that!" He flips us over and pins me to the ground With his knees supporting him as he gets into a better position. He then starts to tickle me until I'm crying with laughter.

"Stop! Reece, please stop!" I try and protect myself but he pins my hands above my head. Damn it!

"And what happens if I don't?" He laughs, his bed hair messier than before.  I smile and the room goes quiet.  Our eyes lock onto each other, and his head moves closer to mine. His face inches away, his smile comes back to a relaxed state and lust is filled in his eyes. I move my face closer connecting my forehead with his, and our breaths intertwine. Our noses touch and his face begins to get closer. His pink lips becoming more appealing, as he slides his tongue across the bottom lip.. KISS ME! My thoughts scream at him

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