Chapter 25

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Aaliyah's POV
After finding out the guy that I love is dead, I broke down. I was so mean to him, I didn't mean for him to basically harm himself and others. I didn't even get to tell him I still love him. I walk up to my room without saying dog, cat, or hello to anyone. I'm so mad at the world right now it's ridiculous. I hear a knock on my door.

"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood." I yell out. But they still came in anyway. I turn around to see Dad, Michelle, and even Marcus.

"Aaliyah we're so sorry about your lost." Michelle begins.

"So.." Marcus chips in.

"We're moving the date of the wedding to two weeks from now and that's official." Dad says.

"You guys really don't have to." I say, sincerely.

"We are going to anyway, instead of the wedding being this upcoming Saturday it'll be Trè's funeral." Dad replied. I smile a bit.

"Thanks so much you guys! But can I be lonely for a little bit?" I ask. They all leave, except Marcus.

"Aaliyah.. Please let me apologize again." He begs. I didn't pay him attention but then I remembered the last thing I said to Trè, which is the reason why he is dead. "I forgive you Marcus."

"S-seriously?" He asked, confused.

"Yes. I love you dearly and I don't want to lose you either." He walks over to me and I begin to sit up. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and holds up my chin. He leans in for a kiss and I receive the message. We kiss passionately for awhile until I pull away.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" I ask.

"Of course." He replies. He gets behind me in bed and he puts his hands around my lower waist and we fall asleep.

I wake up to no one next to me. I guess he left, I thought to myself. I, of course, did my morning routine. I wore a messy bun today with this outfit:

I walk downstairs to see Marcus, Michelle, and Dad eating breakfast

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I walk downstairs to see Marcus, Michelle, and Dad eating breakfast.

"So you guys ate without me?" I ask.

"Of course not sweetie! We just came downstairs." Dad said. Sure, I thought. I playfully rolled my eyes and sat between Marcus and Michelle. We had scrambled eggs, toast, grits, and sausage. Yum!

"I hope you have a much better day!" Michelle cheered.

"I hope so too." I walked over to the kitchen, put my dish in the sink and Marcus followed me out to the door, waving goodbye to our parents.

On the way to school, he held my hand all the way there. When he found a parking spot he turned to me. "Aaliyah, you sure you'll be ok today? I can take you back home if you want?" He asks.

"It's fine. I think I can tolerate today." I hug him goodbye and head to my locker. When I'm walking down the hallway I get all tons of stares. When I get to my locker I get my literature textbook. All of a sudden, a few girls came up to me.

"Hi I'm Emily! I'm so sorry about your lost!"


"Yeah me too! I feel as if it's horrible that you lost your boyfriend." Another girl said.

"Yea but-"

"I mean he cheated on her so what's the big deal. He should rot in hell if you ask me." Jessica stated.

"Wait a seco-"

"I agree with you Jessica, I mean who, like, even does that to the girl who he is with. Like seriously!" Another girl chirps in.

"You know what maybe he should be dead he is low worth asshole!" Jessica says. It angers me how f*cking petty these b*tches are.

"OK ENOUGH!" They stop their bickering and turn to me. "Ok maybe he did cheat on me and maybe he does have a child, but that doesn't mean that he never loved me. You guys should shut the f*ck up and leave me alone! Everyone makes mistakes!" I slam my locker shut and go to my first period. The day was pretty f*cking annoying and I wanted someone to bother me. I REALLY WANTED SOMEONE TO MESS WITH ME BECAUSE I'M NOT IN THE MOOD!

Eventually, its fifth period. The class period where Trè and I sat together. When class started everyone had someone to sit with except for me. Marcus then raised his hand. "May I sit with Aaliyah?

"Yes sir." The teacher replied.

"WAIT! What about me!" Brianna screams.

"Calm down, Ms. Brianna. Just sit by... John.

"Seriously!" She screamed. "Marcus is MY partner."

"Things have changed now! I suggest you go sit by John or sit in the principals office!"

"Fine by me! Just remember I have sooo much dirt on you." Brianna threatened and left the classroom. The teacher adjusted herself and began the lesson. The rest of the day was pretty chill although in two days is Trè's funeral and God knows I'm dreading it.

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