Chapter 24

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Lyric's POV
I wake up, unconscious, with bright lights in my face. "Where am I?" I ask, slightly asleep.

"Your in the medical room right now, sweetie." The doctor said sweetly. Medical room? I'm in the hospital? The last thing I remember is being in the car with Trè and my baby boy. And then I screamed out.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" I shriek. "WHERE'S MY BABY BOY! WHERE IS LEON! I-I gotta make sure he's ok. Pleaseeee tell me his okay!" I began crying, I'm crying so hard the doctor comes over and embraces me into a hug.

"He's fine. He's in the other room, he had minor injuries but he's good." The doctor reassures me and then returns back to her clipboard. I then sigh of relief and wipe my tears.

"Where's Trè then?" I ask.

"Ma'am... I'm sorry to inform you but Trè died within minutes of him coming into the hospital." The doctor said slowly. Wow, not only did I just lose the first guy I ever loved but my son won't have the father figure in his life that he needs.

"Wow.. I'm- I'm speechless." I say looking at my hands. "Could I still see him?"

"Hmm.. Are you sure you'll be ok seeing him?"

"Yes ma'am." I said quietly. She escorted me out of my room to Trè's room. When I was passing the rooms I saw my baby boy sleeping, with a little scar on his cheek. We finally came to his room and I took a deep breath before I went in. Here we go, I thought to myself.

I walk inside to see Trè laying there, lifeless, I could feel my goosebumps coming over me already. God! Why'd they did this have to happen to him! Even though we haven't been the best lately. I'll always love him no matter what. I remember some of the best times we've had together. Like the time, we first met.

I went to a party for my friend who was graduating and it turns out she was Trè's cousin. He was so cool and then I'm over here just being awkward af. But luckily he was interested in me and I was interested in him. Sadly, we did have sex... Unprotected sex and that's how we conceived Leon. Throughout the whole time we were... Doing it, he asked if I was ok and comfortable. Which made me feel so safe and secure around him. Knowing that I could trust him forever.

After relishing that happy moment I smiled. "Even though, you turned to be a deadbeat." I laughed to myself and looked down at my feet. I then look back at Trè and say: "I'll always love you no matter what. Please just please give me the strength to take of our son." I tear a little before blowing him a kiss and walking to Leon's room. After an hour, my family comes over to check up on me and Leon which makes me feel so much better. Even Aaliyah came, she broke down when she found out that Trè passed away. I took her into my room and we talked.

"I-I didn't even get to say the proper goodbye! I-I love him and now he's gone. It just doesn't make sense!" Aaliyah screams into my shoulder. I caress her hair and tell her everything will be alright. After a while, Aaliyah's Dad came to pick her up and she left. I feel so bad because her parents changed their wedding date because of Trè's funeral, which will be held this upcoming Saturday. When my dad and stepmom drops us off home. I tuck Leon into bed and listen to some soothing music to calm myself down.

I turn on my phone and go through all the pictures me and Trè had together. This one was my favorite:

I smile to myself and say: "Goodbye Trè

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I smile to myself and say: "Goodbye Trè." I shut off my phone and go to sleep.

Zendaya aka Lyric

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