C h a p t e r 5: I lov-

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 5: I lov-

Zack felt that something was wrong.

Declan hadn't come to visit since a week ago, and Valencia refused to get out of her room unless she had to eat. She didn't speak to him, smile at him or give him any acknowledgement.

He was a bit hurt. He wanted his sister back.

In the past three years, he had been waiting for the right time for her to come home. He had counted days after days to know when she would be back so he could laugh and have fun with her like they used to.

People asked him about her, and he always knew how to avoid the question. He was never really satisfied with his decision, he should've kept her by his side.

And now, there she is, in front of him, like a closed box no one could ever open.

He sighed, standing in front of her bedroom door. He pushed it open.

Valencia was standing next to the window, looking away. She didn't feel his presence. She was drowning in her own thoughts, like she used to do every time she wants to get away from reality for a bit.

"Val... What's wrong?" he finally asked. He had wanted to ask that question a long time ago, but he was somehow afraid of the answer, he was afraid of everything when it comes to her.

She jumped, surprised and then turned to face him.

She didn't know how to answer. Since she came, she had tried to hide her feelings; to be cold with everyone, including her brother, so she could heal the scars of the past that revived with her coming back, but it seems hard to act like that from the start when it comes to people she cares about.

She looked into his concerned eyes. She closed hers, took a deep breath and whispered, "I lost control... I yelled at Declan... I told him things I should never have said, things I don't mean, I really don't... He must hate me now... I don't want to hurt him even if I already I know I will, I always did... but I guess trying to avoid it make it happens faster... Zack, he's important to me, so important, but I told him completely the opposite because I happened to not be in the mood when he came to tell me something... I can't believe what I did... He's one of the few people who never judged any of my actions... And I hurt him for no damn reason."

She was about to cry when she felt her brother's arms surrounding her tiny body. Zack's body was so warm, so close to being a home. It made her break down and she wouldn't even be able to explain why.

As for Zack, he was shaking; he didn't want to see his baby sister like this. It always reminded him of what he had experienced, when he was a young boy. It was hard for him too, life, but he had to always block things away to take care of his sister, always for his sister. Now that he hoped she'll bring back stability to his life as she came back, things felt wrong.

"Shh... Everything will be fine, Val... Declan can't hate you... He cares about you too much to even think about it. All you have to do is to go to him and explain yourself the way you did to me. You're a good person, Val, don't beat yourself up." He pushed her body away gently. He wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead.

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