C h a p t e r 50: The Beginning Of The End

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 50: The Beginning Of The End.

Things started to get ugly when someone messed up with their partnership. Things didn't go as planned and people got hurt in the process.

She tried her best to keep the figure of a good family to her kids, so that they can grow up in a loving home. She vowed to keep inside of her all the ugly truths that choked the joy out of her.

Like Valencia for example, she loved her daughter, she really did, but whenever she saw her, she was left with great sorrow because of the lies and pain her existence came from.

It was the day she sold herself to the devil, along with her emotions and the life within her.

Evil knows no limit, not even when Satan is born from the same womb as you.

It was an ugly dirty plan, to be abducted for less than a day, drugged for less than few hours, raped while she's asleep for less than an hour to carry the memory of it for the rest of her life, in the smile of her husband when he found out she's pregnant, in the first cry of her baby, in her first word, first walk, first everything... and second and third.

She didn't know at first that her sister was behind it all, that she just did it to ruin her life, the happiness she earned after sacrificing her soul.

Then she started getting threats, forced to meet with the monster who raped her or her husband will be told a totally different story he won't be able to deny. To kill everyone, abduct the kids and a million other threats.

And one day, the threat came directly from her sister, saying they should meet to end it once for all.

"You wanted to play so bad Valencia, I'm really sorry for doing that to you, I had to go, or everyone was going to be in danger. I took my gun with me and went where she told me to meet which was ironically where I've kissed Felix... It was where I've killed my sister... yes I killed my sister, because if I didn't, she was going to. I tried to argue with her, it was useless. I really thought I was going to die. She shot my arm then advanced to finish me, but I shot her.

It was a moment of panic and fear, I changed my clothes into hers and hers into mine.

I pressed on my wound to stop the bleeding until I reached her car. I wasn't planning on tricking you. I believed I was going to die until the moment I saw her laying on the floor dead.

My sister and I looked the same in every detail when it came to our bodies, it was nearly impossible for our parents to know which one is who, if it wasn't for the huge difference between me and her in our personality.

When I got in her car, I threw up everywhere, and I thought I was going to go insane. Then her phone rang. I looked at the caller's ID for around ten minutes straight as it kept calling over and over. I didn't believe it for a second... it was Felix, it was your father. I couldn't understand. I ended up picking up after adjusting my voice.

"Jules, thank god you picked up! I was going insane. How did it go?"

That was when I froze... I felt my heart break in million pieces. I ended up telling him I killed...myself. And he was happy. He was fucking happy."

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