C h a p t e r 15: A murder V

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 15: A murder V.

I made a choice.

Declan walked out of his house and grabbed his phone and called someone.

"Hello! So what's your answer?"

"I'm in. What am I supposed to do?"


"Take care!"

Valencia closed her home's door and walked directly to her room.

Am I in serious trouble?

"Listen, Valencia... you need to be careful. I received a message from an unknown number that included this house's address and your brother's name, in the end, there was a sentence asking to tell you 'take a good care of those two while they still exist' Someone is planning on something, don't trust anyone. And it'll be better if you told Zack. Thomas agrees, he may be in danger at any second, we can't risk anything."

Valencia went blank at the mention of her brother in danger. She can't handle that. He can't be in danger.

"I can protect him! He needs to live naturally. And plus who may be after me? I'm the one who's after someone."

"Maybe you need to live normally too! Valencia you can't even protect yourself! Look at your body! It's all covered by scars and cigar marks! It shows what you suffered from for the past few years, you can't repeat that! And please just tell him! He's your brother, he'll understand. I know about this Mark guy, Thomas told me everything. He was after your mum, he may be after you! Don't risk anything because if he notices you, you'll be done, that if he didn't already" Drake sighed before continuing: "We don't have a plan and you're still healing. Try to stay away from attention for a while even if you already started your plan, it's for your own good, let it go. That guy whom you sent to the restaurant or whatever, don't trust him and if you see him again just act like you never asked him to do it and like you don't even know what he is talking about if he mentions it."

Valencia sighed and passed her hands over her hair. She wasn't going to tell him they already fought.

What was I thinking? Revenge? I just found a chance of living normally again, and now I want to get back to that mess and drag with me some innocent people?

She didn't believe herself. She let her emotions rule her when she first saw the letter and because of that, Declan is hurt and confused, Zack feels sad because his sister doesn't trust him and now she may be in danger again if she doesn't be careful.

Valencia kept analysing the words that Drake said to her. She understands that she needs to act like a normal college girl for a while, but about telling Zack to avoid any surprises later, that she couldn't find a way to do it.

Every time she thinks of telling him, she remembers his smiley face and how proud he looks at her. She couldn't imagine that expression washed off, she didn't want to see his disappointed face even if she knew that it wasn't her fault. It haunts her whenever she closes her eyes, whenever she's touched.

Heavy bad memories are like putting extra weight on your shoulders and walking with them until they make you fall apart, or until someone comes and help you in removing them and replacing them with good ones.

She'll tell him one day, just not now.


"Apologise?" Declan asked, surprised.

"Yes because I never asked you to yell at her. We need to know how much information she has, and you're going to help. I have my eyes on you and your mother Declan so you better watch out if you want her to be fine." The men laughed hypothetically through the phone. "It's easy, act like her friend while being my alliance." Then he hung up.

"Fuck you, you piece of shit." He muttered before continuing his road.

I'm so sorry Valencia. I'm stuck.


Valencia was wondering how humans feel when they die. No one can describe it, no matter how creative the author was or how close the person was to death, no one can know the answer except a dead person, and dead people can't answer.

Do they see their whole memories as if they was watching them in a cinema? Do they feel hurt and just pray and wait until it finally ends? Do they feel unable to breathe and start choking?

Is that how Kylie and the others felt?

She ran a hand through her hair and took Asta's notebook, she needs to copy all the lesson and try to understand all of them.

If that psychopath wasn't scared that the school would notice her absence, she'd be still in high school.

She needs to act like a normal teenager like Drake advised her. She needs to keep a low profile. She'll manage to get Declan to forget about the whole story, at least that's what she thinks.

The house's door was opened, and Zack's voice filled the empty silent rooms.

"Tomorrow? Well, I'll see..."

He walked to Valencia's room to check if she was there.

"Hi Val! It's been a while sister! How was your first day of the university?" He laughed. Well, it was true, he doesn't see her a lot.


"Not bad, I have a lot to catch up. And you? How did your day go?"

"That's good to hear. My days are always fine and calm. Did you hear the news?" He looked at her, tensed. Valencia lifts an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.

"From your expression, it seems like you didn't... There was a murder. Valencia do you remember Arthur, that twenty-seven years old guy who lived in our neighbourhood? He was so cool with us in the past. He was found burnt in a small cabinet in the woods but no sign of fire was there which means he was teleported after being... killed. The police had a hard figuring out the body's identity. Poor guy, his body was cut in pieces, they say it was formed in a shape of the letter V. Who did this is merciless, Arthur was a good man and what happened to him was just cruel. I just told you this because the police are investigating the murder and they may pass by to ask us few questions." Zack smiled softly at Valencia's pale face. She loved Arthur, not in a romantic way, but he was so nice to her in the past, before she disappears, actually he suggested the idea of getting her away from here to Zack.

Her heart skipped few beats as he was telling her. She wanted to cry, to express her sadness but nothing came out. Her body was satisfied with the cold that was sent into her bones, that was enough to express her shock, sadness and fear.

"Oh and Val, take care sister, this murderer is still alive and possibly near us so be careful, okay?" She didn't has the energy to even blink her eyes. She was observing his face as if he was a stranger in front of her.

"Arthur is dead? And his body was forming the letter V?" She whispered to herself.

V... Valencia? It couldn't be. It must be a mistake. It can't be happening. Nothing is for sure. It must be a funny coincidence.

"Val?" Zack asked, concerned.

She turned her head and muttered: "I'm okay, don't worry. May his soul rest in peace."

I'm far away from being okay.

Guys I'm so sorry for the late update. I didn't have any idea that will lead me to what I want. The shit is about to get down!

Get ready, the story starts now.

I hope you liked the update.

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