C h a p t e r 44: Washing Sins

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 44: Washing Sins.

Teenagers are always on the edge; little drama breaks them, small pain shatters them. At least that's what some adult think.

In fact, teenagers these days are facing sever danger because they're exposed to everything. It used to be easy before, living in a small calm city all life time, but now danger chases everyone. There is corruption everywhere and teenagers are the ones facing it with no protection.

Dylan hated the situation he was in. The only person who he still has was his girlfriend but it seemed like she was slipping out of his grab.

Declan was thinking of a plan to contact Thomas to tell him he wants to help. He never got time to think of what he did before and it was for the best; to know that he helped in the murder of someone makes him feel like a stranger in his own body, to accept that he betrayed his beloved Valencia and himself blindly, it makes him feel cold beneath the piercing sun.

Tanya smoked her cigarette while looking from the window, exhaling the poison she wished it can take her stress away. People usually saw her as the nice girl who does everything right, the one who'll have the perfect love life with the right guy.

"My love life will be stained with blood after this mess." She said softly, smashing her cigarette.

Declan is a nice friend of hers. She would never hurt him, but he was friends with the wrong people.

Her side of the story was simple. Her parents used to be working in the same project as Valencia's parents. It was a complicated project, but with hard work they managed to make it into something that would blow the world's black market.

When they started winning money, a lot of money, Valencia's parents kicked her parents out. They left them with nothing while Tanya's mother was pregnant with her young sister. Her family fell into economic crisis and were left with nothing.

They suffered a lot to feed a family with two young kids. They fought for their share of money but couldn't go to court. The project wasn't legal and talking about it would end up with the four of them in jail.

Her parents went through hell to save their family. They worked everything until they found stable jobs. Then her father had a chance to go work in Europe. He was told it will be an amazing chance for him. She never heard back from him and when her mother asked about her husband's local place to make sure he was safe at least, they told her that he never got there.

There was no further explanation, whether he didn't travel at all or went to another country. It just ended there.

Her mother got depressed. They were mostly suffering and then he goes and disappears, leaving her alone with two young girls. She turned into a workaholic.

Tanya had to take care of her sisters when she herself needed someone to take care of her. Her mother was rarely home so she had to do everything.

"I didn't get the childhood I deserve, my sister was taken away by law since my mother couldn't afford to take care of both of us. I saw young kids growing up surrounded by their parents, getting their first phones, trips, cars and love when I couldn't get any of that. Like Grandson says 'The price of your greed is your son and daughter'... well that's the rule I live by." She spoke to herself out loud.

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