C h a p t e r 30: I Deserve To Know

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 30: I Deserve To Know.

Do we really know people who are close to us? Do we know all their secrets, past and feelings?

As much as we know, is it ever enough to say we know that person?

Zack felt like he doesn't even know his sister. How did she grow up or what experiences did she go through?

He kept fixing the picture in his hands, trying to close his eyes but failing to find the power to do it each second he focuses on it.

How? Why? When? Is it even real?

Lots of questions came rushing in his mind and he didn't even shut them.

It may be a coincidence... but this looks so...

His face expression went from shock to sadness and ended up with anger. He didn't know why he'd feel anything yet. He didn't ask her or he heard nothing from her. He doesn't even know the whole truth, but he gave her a lot of chances to do it. She had lots of opportunities to tell him everything before he figures things out on his own, and judge her.

Judgements, sometimes you do it by choice but other times, as natural as you want to keep yourself, you find yourself obliged to come up with your own suggestions and judgements.

I need to go visit her.


"I'm getting bored over here... why don't you tell me some of your secrets?" Dylan spoke in a bored tone, waving with the dagger in his hands.

"If you're bored you can go home," Declan muttered desperately.

"You mean if I'm bored I can bury my own grave? No thanks." He laughed silently. "So, you tell me few things and I'll answer some of your questions."


Dylan just nodded his head.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Something about you and Valencia, we're here after all because of her."

Declan narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. It won't change anything, let me get emotional now.

"It's not that I trust you or anything but I'm telling you this because it won't help you with anything anyway. I like Valencia, more than I'm supposed to. I don't know when and where all these feelings came did from, I always knew there's something but when she came back, they all got exploded. Even though I ended up finding a new Valencia, there's always in her eyes the old one somewhere. To be honest most of our meetings ended with fights since she came and I ended up saying something stupid."

"What?"Dylan  asked, getting excited.

"I'm not sure whether she believed me or not... but I was panic and instead of telling her I love you, I said I love guys. I fake-admitted I'm gay."

That's when Dylan cracked up laughing. " Oh my goodness, I can no longer breathe. That was really stupid man."

"Yeah... and apparently, now I lost my chance together... I'm back stabbing her over and over."

"Man the only reason why we don't have eyes in the back of our heads is so we can get back stabbed... it's something we'll all live whether we're the victims or the stabber. Deal with it."

After a moment of silent, Declan spoke again:" So, it's my turn to ask questions. What did Valencia do to get into this trouble?"

Dylan closed his eyes and quoted in a weak voice:" You can't blame a fish for being unable to breathe the air we breathe. Blame the one who got her out of the water."


"So... what is this about?" Zack looked at his sister with the glass separating them.

He stuck the picture closer to the glass and that's when the colours drained of Valencia's face.

Not him...

"Did you go through my stuff Zack." She didn't know whether she was hurt of that or of seeing the picture. "My past is none of your concerns."

She didn't mean to be rude but her past isn't something he can force her to talk about.

"It is my concern if it's the reason why you're in this place right now."

Why are you glaring at me, Zack? Why do I feel some hate coming from you? Did you make your mind and judge me, making assumes without questioning me about it? If so, why are you here?

She began her battle again, a silent conversation between her and her brother. She knew by the way he looked at her that he's not there to fix her, not to help her. At that moment, Zack was there just in hope to prove his thoughts wrong.

"I'm waiting. I think I deserve an explanation." He whispered in a low dangerous voice.

You're still judging... I can't tell you anything if you're judging me.

"Deserve? Isn't it a need? Tell me, Zack, why do you think you need an explanation?"Please, Zack; don't bring the bad Valencia out of me... she scares the shit out of me... don't let me destroy what already started to shatter.

She closed her eyes and focused on her breath.

"Listen to me Valencia. I know this will be hard for you, but can you trust me on this?" Thomas looked at her in such a pity.

She was weak, broken and she feared to vanish in all of that negativity with the new responsibility.

"You're a sister to me Valencia." It was Drake. "I may not be in a good relationship with you right now but those complications happen. For now, let's put that aside and focus on this. You need to listen to Thomas, it's the safest option." 

Zack was clenching his fist. He didn't know what got into him but her silence only got on his nerve.

"I just deserve it because I'm your brother. Tell me! Is this yo-"

And before he can even continue, she smiled which stopped him from continuing hi sentence.

"You wanna know?" she smiled wildly before she goes back to the blank face. She stood from her chair and got her face closer to the glasses and glared at him. "You know Zack. For a while, a short while, I thought that you'll be supporting me, and ask questions to help me. I wish I noticed earlier that you're mostly feeding your curiosity".

She turned her back at him, keeping the phone in her hands. "And let me tell you what your curiosity needs to know, otherwise you'll be the killed cat." She lowered her voice, and at her last glance, She whispered.

"Yes, that boy is my child, he looks like his mother, no?" 


Guuys we're finallly in chapter 30 ♥♥ I can't believe we reached this. Thank you so much♥

I'm sorry for the delay I've been having severe writing blocks.

So next year is my final high school year and in the end of the year, I have a national exam that will determinate my future so I'm sorry if I don't update regularly. 

I love you all♥

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