C h a p t e r 26: Poor Girl.

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 26: Poor Girl.

A new man entered the room and the doors were closed.

Valencia tensed and looked at Kylie who seemed to be relaxed,  even happy.

The man waited till the footsteps behind the door faded. That's when he seemed to be relieved.

Valencia didn't understand anything, she watched as Kylie stood up smiling brightly and walking towards the man hugging him.

"What the hell?" She muttered in a low voice so that none of them hears her.

"Valencia!" Kylie called her. "I want you to meet my father."

"Your what?" Valencia looked at him from head to toes and added: "What is he doing in here?"

"I honestly don't know, but he's my father he always comes to rescue me." She turned to her father and spoke in calmly, relief clear on her face "I knew you'd find me. For now, we gotta hurry because they can come at any moment. Dad, as far as I noticed, there are no cameras in the rooms, obviously, they don't wanna watch what happens behind the walls. Also, they make a daily check up to the room. When someone enters, they can stay for like thirty minutes. At night there are two guards, in the rest of the day it's only one person."

"I'll take care of that Kylie. How are you? I'm so sorry I didn't take care enough of you. How did they take you? How did you find yourself in this room...?" Her father starts asking her while looking at her intensely, pain clear in his voice.

"I went out with my friends to a club. Someone must've put something in my drink because the last thing I know I was dancing before I open my eyes to find myself in a car. They put on my eyes a ribbon so that I don't see the roads but I got them memorised. We walked straight for like twenty steps, then we turned left and kept walking till we stopped and turned right to get inside this place."

"Kylie... I know how to get here, I mean, I am here already." He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there." He passed his hands on her hair before he mutters. "I'm so sorry... I hope they didn't hurt you."


Yes, Kylie was Thomas' daughter. He never showed how much he misses her whenever they talk about her. For him, she should remain a good memory, not a sorrowful loss. 

When he looks at Valencia, he always ends up remembering Kylie, and that gave him the need to protect her the way he couldn't protect his own daughter. 

He may be young, he can get remarried and have a lovely life, but Kylie's death took along with it his will for a happy life. 

Thomas was sterile, he tried whatever he can so he can give his wife the feeling of being a mother, but nothing changed. He got depressed and he told her she deserves more and she should just divorce. After all, both of them were in their twenties. 

She slapped him. 

She did it then started crying and kissing his hands. His beloved wife didn't speak much, she just said those few words. "I married you because I love you, some things aren't meant to be. You'd stick by my side if I had the problem... only death will physically tear us up apart." 

Then ended up adopting a six years old little girl, and her name was Kylie.


"Valencia, we never get hurt by people we don't know, remember that."

At those words, she woke up at the sound of a breaking glass.

She immediately stood up and walked closer to her bedroom's door. She opened it slowly to avoid making any sound and started walking towards the kitchen.

That's when she heard someone muttering "F*ck!  f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!"

She recognised the voice, she heard it before. The light was on so she just walked in.

"Aren't you of Zack's friends? What are you doing in here in this time?" She asked, glaring at him.

That was close, I was so afraid. God, I really don't like his friends.

Ethan was caught off guard. He turned to face her, panicking. "I... The glass... thirsty. I was thirsty so... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to... I'll clean the mess."

"I didn't ask what happened I said what are you doing here?"

"Oh... a sleepover. Zack invited me."

She just narrowed her eyes and sighed.

Is he serious?

"You do know Zack isn't in here, right? He said he'll come home late tonight." She looked at her phone then continued. "It's 1 am for god's sake!"

Oh, f*ck...

"He... called me and told me he'll come home in few minutes. And well the door wasn't closed so..."

Wasn't the door closed?  What the actual hell Zack!

She ignored him, letting him babbling alone in the kitchen.

More excuses... more lies.

She went upstairs and once she got inside her room,  she locked the door.

I will have a serious talk about this. This is absolutely crazy and irresponsible.


"So... any news?" The man asked, smoking his cigar and swinging in his chair.

"Nothing much... apparently that Thomas is still helping her."

The man started laughing. Once he stopped he took his cigar and threw it outside.

"Tell me... Do you think it's a good time to get her trust twisted?" He sighed dramatically and whispered. "Poor girl,  this shit is about to get real."

Yo yo yo!

How you doing?

I know this chapter is kinda messed up and a lot of ideas (even tho I still have this annoying son of a cake "Writer's block.") I thought of putting that I'll give myself an opportunity of making it easier on me...

And guys... there's something that's gonna happen pretty soon (to Valencia) 😈😈😈😈


Anyway, I just wanted to remind you guys that TheWattys 2017 is now ON.

Sadly that category where you guys can vote isn't on the list this year but still, you can always help with your comments and votes.

It won't take long to vote trust me, even if you're offline, once you're online I'll receive all the votes,  at ones😂

And remember I LOVE YOU ALL and it makes me so happy seeing you guys enjoying the book! And thank you all for being here for me till the 26th chap! I never thought I'll reach it so thank you! ❤❤

Oh ps... I wonder who's the man... and who is/are helping him destroying our beloved Val...

After all, is she really beloved? 😏

Your song this time!

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