C ha p t e r 42: Tears

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 42: Tears.

"Tanya... Can you come to my office later?"

"Okay, I'll pass by." She answered, unsure of the reason why.


Thomas took a sip of his coffee and said in a calm tone:" I think I need to finish what Drake started telling you before we talk about anything else."


That's what she felt like.

They were aware of everything, they always did. They wanted to let her commit the mistake that will make it impossible for any of them to forgive her.

The car ride was one of the crappiest moments in her life. Valencia was forced to sit in the back seat next to two guys who kept passing their hands on her thighs, trying to get more.

She felt helpless.

She had nothing to do. She didn't even bother to think of anything because otherwise, she'll explode, but she couldn't stop herself.

She wondered what her mother would think of her when she sees how her daughter turned out.

She'd be ashamed of me, she thought as a tear fell on her cheeks. She was so afraid to move so she just let it slide until it touched her lips.

She missed everyone; her parents and her brother... even Declan. She would give anything, just to be with them again, but she already lost everything.

"You should rest." One of them whispered in her ears as he injected her with a sleeping drug.

Why her?

She wasn't the only girl in this world, why would everything she prayed not to happen happened to her?

They raped her, stole her freedom and innocence, went through a risky act and faked their identity as cops just to get her.


"How is Dylan related? But oh well, it sucks to be in your shoes as far as you got." The girl in the prison grimaced as she was facing Valencia.

"Your boyfriend only got involved lately, I'll get there. Do you know how it feels to wake up alone in a dark room, uncomfortable bed and with a sore body that wasn't hurting before you get drugged? It feels like shit. I woke up expecting to find myself in my bed back home. I wanted all of it to be just a sick nightmare. I didn't know where I was, I panicked and my body tensed so I couldn't even move it. I looked for light; I wanted to know where I was. I just couldn't. Screaming would be stupid, but that's all I was sure I can still do. My voice came out broken and shattered; full of fear." Valencia bent a bit and pushed her hair away from her neck. "Do you see this tattoo?"

The girl looked confused then just nodded.

"They gave it to me when I was still unconscious. Do you know when you go to a store, there's usually a ticket that tells you the price or maybe the company' name; that's the closest explanation. It means something I still don't know fully know, stupid right? Apparently, the L is the first letter from the monster's name.

Anyway, no one responded to my screams; so I just kept screaming 'till my voice started to fade and my throat started closing up. I gathered my courage and stood up, but as I stepped I accidentally stepped on something weird, ended up being my food later on. Let's skip these crappy details. I stayed without food for two days I guess, some light would get in through the very small window in the wall. I was in a roo- no I was in a cellular, metal door, an old shitty bed to sleep in and nothing else."


"Yeah, I took a shit there." She laughed with no humour. "My days there sucked, my two years there sucked. I kept living the same nightmare every day, losing my body and soul and with each step forward, I found myself deader, I didn't belong to this body anymore and I gave up all hopes I had about going out one day. I just saw myself being treated like a worthless toy... and I wasn't alone. We were all just girls who were once in the wrong place at the wrong time and we paid for that for the rest of our lives." She smiled and took a deep breath. "Then she came in. She was feisty and full of fury; something I've lost. She was called Kyle."


"You can blame me for that later."

And she continued telling the story of hers; the one that never ended.


"I'm going to visit her again. I miss her so damn much. What can I do little brother? I have become someone you'd hate, someone who stands alongside the hungry men who oppress others for their own pleasure. I've became a monster."

Dylan fell on his knees as his tears fell along down his cheeks.

As he passed his hands on his brother's name, the grave's stone felt cold and it gave him chills.

"I hope you're not that cold down there buddy. I feel cold too. I feel like I killed my humanity. I ruined a guy's life and helped ruining what was left of a girl's life." He started sobbing, not caring whether he'll bother the other dead.

"I'm just owned to love... and that's ruining me... but I'm...owned to lies too."


"I'm the reason why she's dead and even with that, her father and boyfriend took care of me and my unborn baby... because that's what she wanted. I gave birth and had therapy fix me up a bit so that I can get to be close to normal before I come back home. Thomas did his best to keep me hidden. He took care of me, fed me and fixed the best he can.

I came here ready for a new life. I didn't think anything bad would happen too soon. Your boyfriend was the first strike. I didn't tell my brother I had a problem with cigarettes but it was a rule since our childhood that no cigarette enters the house and everyone surrounding us knew that. Zack must have thought that Dylan didn't know, but he did for sure. He was doing it on purpose, it just took me long enough to figure it out. He didn't even smoke it, he just stood in front of me and looked me in the eyes until I noticed it. When things got bad, I told Thomas about it and he did some researches and we found out that your guy had the same tattoo I have, for a different reason apparently. L goes for many words after all."

"What no he would never d-"

"Miss Jordans, you have a visitor." an officer came in.

Valencia smiled sadly and muttered:' if it's him, focus on his wrist. I'll tell you the rest of the story next time."

The girl just looked at her unsure and concerned then she just left the room.

What is she said is true? Why would Dylan get into such horrible thing?

She lifted her head to see him smiling at her softly, waving behind the glass separating them.

Her eyes went directly to his wrist as he waved but she didn't see anything. She let out a breath she was holding, relieved, but then she noticed it.

It was on his other wrist, the one he's hiding with some bracelets.

She took the phone next to her and he was about to speak, she asked:" Why?"






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