Chapter 2

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No one could be a normal child, imagine if when you turned thirteen, you had as much responsibility as an adult. When we turned thirteen, we were all given a job, and we pretty much had to take care of ourselves and the younger kids in our rooms.

My sister, my brother, and I have been used to taking care of ourselves, when our mother died, and our father shortly after. my mother died shortly after giving birth to my brother, and my father died during a malfunction at his job.

Out of all of us, May took it the hardest in my opinion. She had been alone and abandoned by her birth parents, and her adopted parents left her too. It wasn't easy for any of us, but she had spent the most time with them out of the three of us. No one liked being on the shuttles, but people started to get hope one day with just one little announcement.

One day there was an announcement that said we were on course for a planet that no one ever knew existed. For now it was to be called planet 10. Everyone was excited to get off the shuttles, and most people started packing right away.

The future was so uncertain, but people were still exited for it. At the time I never understood it, how could someone be exited for something when they had no idea what would happen? Then I thought back to when May and I were little, we loved the thought of Earth and wanted to live there so badly. How could we have even loved something that we had never seen? I guess it was just the idea of something new.

It has been the same for as long as I can remember, and people were way past ready to do something and be somewhere different.

We quickly got back into our old routine, because even though we were close, it would still take a while to get to this new planet. The little kids played around, not caring if we get off this shuttle or not, but they haven't been on here as long as most people, I haven't even been on here as long as most people, but sixteen years is enough.

Most people on the space shuttles haven't even seen anything else, that was all they knew. Everyone celebrated the day the announcement was made, and everyone was invited to the eating hall to have a celebratory dinner. It wasn't a whole lot, because we still had to save as much food as possible, but everyone was thankful for it and it was nice.

Most of the food and water is made by scientists, so nothing is natural anymore and it hasn't been for a long time, way before me and probably even my parents. After the dinner everyone in my room went to bed, as did most of the young kids. My room was mostly kids that were younger than me, but the day had tired all of us out and sleep just washed over us and we were asleep before we even knew it.

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