Chapter 8

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Today was the last day of my first week on Earth, and it was also my first birthday without my family. I've had a lot of birthdays without my parents, but never without May or Michael. To celebrate, I walked through the town and looked at everything. It was almost like I was on some kind of birthday vacation.

I went in old houses to look at all the things people had to leave behind. I looked at a house that was still in pretty good shape, so I decided I would work on it for a while to fix it up to live in. I looked at a smaller bedroom, and decided I would fix it up first. I took out all the debris and started cleaning out the room. It took me a better part of the day, but I got the room cleaned out.

I went back to the rocket to get some blankets so I could make a bed in the room I cleaned out. While I was there, I rested and then ate some lunch. After lunch I stayed for just a little bit longer as I realized I was more tired then I thought. After some time passed, I decided I would go back to the house before it got too dark.

I worked in another room until it got dark. I got a lot done, but that room still wasn't done. Once it got dark out, I went back to the rocket. I didn't want to stay at the house until all of it was done, which probably wouldn't have been for a while. I got back to the rocket and sat down in a chair. I saw a light that was blinking. I moved closer to it, and saw it was a button. I pushed it, and a message started to play.

"Hello, this message was pre-recorded for the first one. Your mission is to contact us once you get to planet Earth and tell us if it is livable. If we do not hear back from you, then we will have to do another drawing to make sure whether Earth is livable or not. Thank you for all your work, and hopefully we will be in touch."

I sat back after listening to the message. It was weird that they sent a message telling me what I was supposed to do, when someone already told me before I left planet 10. I figured it was nothing to worry about, and I decided I should just go to bed. I got into bed, and I was ready to see what the next day would bring.

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