Chapter 7

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I woke up, with a little bit of pain all through my body. For a second, I didn't realize where I was or what had happened. I sat up and I looked around, I was still in the rocket and I didn't even remember falling asleep. I stood up, and was nervous to go outside, because I was about to see everything we had all wondered about practically our entire lives.

I walked outside, and it was amazing. There were only remains of buildings, and some plant life but it was great to see it all, and wonder just what it was like before. It took me a minute to realize the sharp ringing in my ear. I quickly put my hand up to my ear and felt the earpiece I was given earlier. I took it out of my ear and looked at it, it was broken. I was told to report back to them and tell them whether or not it was livable here.

I threw the earpiece in the rocket and started to walk around. I looked at some buildings and I walked past this cute little house so I decided to go inside. I walked through the front door, and saw what was left of the structure. The house looked like it was dangerous, but something about risking your life in a rocket, makes everything else less dangerous. I walked up the stairs, and there was a picture of a little girl about seven or eight. A girl that would most likely be dead now.

I looked around the house and realized just how much we actually left behind. I walked back outside and walked around until I walked by a field. I stopped at the field and laid down while I looked at the sky. I couldn't believe everything I was seeing. How could anyone let this planet, this amazing thing, get ruined. I'm sure back then if someone looked at this sky, all these houses, and all this grass and plants, it would just be something average but to me it was amazing.

After a while I sat up, as I started to feel hungry. I started walking back to the rocket to get something to eat. When I got back I looked through all the food and picked out beef and noodle dinner.

When I was done, I walked back outside and took a walk. While I was walking, I past a stream of water and watched as it ran through. I cupped my hands and picked up some of the water and drank it. The water was so good, and it didn't taste anything like the water that was made on the shuttles. I ran through the water and laid down on the ground. I knew this was always where I was supposed be.

It was starting to get late, so I went back to the rocket. I sat around and tried to get contact with everyone on planet 10, but I couldn't get the technology to work. After a while, I gave up and went to bed.

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