序幕 [ Prologue ]

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In the ancient world of Asia where culture thrives. Women and men and the society of equality has shown the difference and inequality within genders. Here this world that a girl called Ai Xue lives in, woman are expected to be nothing more than a dutiful wife and mother for her future husband and children. One's purpose is only for child bearing and raising. Making sure the household is kept at peace and maintaining the perfect image of a beautiful woman, wife and mother. But everything changes when one enters court. Here competition lies among every elgible maiden. The only way to succeed is to catch the attention of a powerful man, nontheless the future emperor. To be happy, to fall in love, to gain power. It leads to winning. And of course a woman's biggest award would be by bestowing the title of empress upon her being. But it isn't easy and through many rites of passages. Hardships, mistakes and hope. Life as a woman has turned out harder than it should be.

Warning: Rated PG13 ( for viewers over 13) some sexual content and violence. Warnings will be up.

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