第五章 [ Chapter Five ]

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General Hao Cun: 浩气 - translated to noble spirit [Pronounced: H-OWW CHING]


It was a nice pleasant spring day and I had been graciously invited on a little trip with Lady Fang Hua to the river banks. Rowing a boat and letting nature soothe me would be the best for my health. I did not say any words as I watched Chun Hai prepare food in a little basket.

"My lady, you're awfully quiet. Is it about what his imperial highness said a few nights ago?" She said hesitantly.

I nodded in disappointment. If I only had the chance to flirt and use my womanly charms on him, oh how despicable those words sounded.

"I heard that he might be free and join you and Lady Fang Hua on your little boating trip on the rivers. So don't be so crestfallen." Chun Hai said cheerfully as she hummed and set the basket with food.

I lost myself in thought at what she had said. If he was there, what would I do? The last time he had teased me, I had nearly found myself falling on the floor. Heat was flushing up on my cheeks but I let out a deep breath. It wasn't best to be late and so I walked out to meet up with my dear 'sister.'

To my surprise I found her with another young man. But the astonishment was erased from my face as I merely acknowledged him with a small bow. He looked of regal and wealthy standings but I looked over to Lady Fang Hua for an introduction.

"Ai Xue mei mei, this is General Hao Cun. He has been the crown princes best friend and a dear friend of mine from childhood." Fan Hua said softly with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Ai Xue." He said bowing with a soft smile on his face.

I merely nodded. I didn't care for who he was. But as I caught a glance of the two of them, they seemed quite close. Chun Hai accompanied me as she stole glances at me every few seconds and I sighed.

I climbed into the Litter as I watched the four peasants lift it up. I could barely think as I was troubled with his highness. Though the curiosity of the general and Lady Fan Hua gave me several ideas.

But before I knew it the little carriage stopped.

"What's going on?" But my eyes widened as I saw my peasants cowering in fear as the horsemen with their swords were battling the bandits that had appeared out of no where. Thieves. Both the carriage of Lady Fan Hua and the General were no where to be seen.

This must have been a trap. I could think of no other answer, but it didn't make sense.

"Lady Ai Xue, we should hurry back. This road isn't safe." Chun Hai said as her face paled at the corpses laying on the ground.

"I advice you to head back to the town roads your highness." The horseman said with a nod.

"Might I request a little exploration before we return to the palace?" I said with a slight smirk, "but not in finery of course ... it is about time I learned about my people."

"Of course."

And with that the little trip to the river banks was canceled. I took off my finery and changed into slight peasant clothes. My hair was simpler and I entered into town with three guards and Chun Hai. They kept close to me as I wandered town. Before I knew it, it was dark already.

Just as I was about to return, a hysterical girl started crying. She clutched at nothing but her underclothes and a thin blanket wrapped around her body. Her legs were dripping with blood. She then collapsed dead. Shock ran through my veins.

"It is not safe to enter that area Lady Ai Xue." Chun Hai whispered.

"Let me be. I must find out what is happening." I followed after the faint trail of blood and glanced at the building. My utter nightmare and horror followed. It was even worse than a royal harem. I had dangerously entered the red light district.

"Oh what a pretty face girl and you aren't married?" An old lady said with her long nails and short plump body.

When I was about to speak my status the old witch had grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me inside.

"Are you looking for a job?" Beady eyes bearing into my soul.


"Such a beautiful flower, now that you have entered my land, there is no turning back." She said with a cackle.

Chun Hai yelled from the outside. I got up and ran for the exit but was blocked by groups of goons.

"Get him." I shouted as terror was just sinking into my bones.

I watched her disappear as I was left in my fate. I smelled the strong scents of burnt offerings. My eyes bore out of my skull as I glanced from top hall to bottom staircase. Young girls were parading around with an arm around a disgusting man.

"Follow her, she'll get you dressed."

"B-but. I can't. I am of royalty." I said pushing the attendant girl away from me.

The old woman took one look at me and started laughing.

"You might wish but that's ridiculous. Hurry along now. Get Ying Ying ready."

"My name is-"

"Doesn't matter dear, your new name is Ying Ying."

And with a wave of her hand the attendant girl brought me into a room. I felt a cold draft as I dressed into something so improper. My neck chest felt nearly exposed as I glanced at the mirror. I looked beautiful but in a shameful manner. My black hair was put together with so many sparkling jewels. The soft and thin material of my dress kept me vulnerable.

"You look magnificent miss, not that it matters too much ... men enjoy bareness rather than baubles." The girl said softly with a sad smile.

"Please, you must get me out of here. I am a royal wife of the crown prince."

"I can't miss. I am powerless with the madam in control. I'm sorry." Emptiness in her eyes.

I sighed as I felt water form on my eyes which refused to fall. The attendant took my hand gently and led me outside where the old woman gushed and nodded with a content smile. I watched as fat men ogled at me in such an uncomfortable manner. My attention was on the floor as I listened to them bid on me. I squirmed at disgust.

A tall plump man won. He took my hand and had a drunken stupor on his monkey face. I looked at him horrified. There I was dragged into a room where he put his hands around me. Everything turned surreal.

That was when I took a vase from the bedside and with a swift movement I hit him. His head had to be made of some steel because it left a small little cut with trickles of faint blood. He didn't seem bothered but his temper raised and he moved quicker than before.

The man lunged at me as I felt his hands run across my body as fabric was slowly being torn. I screamed like no tomorrow.

When he was down to the last of my garments the doors had burst open. His breath inches away from my neck. I saw Ming Zheng and he grabbed the man by the collar. The army men behind the prince took the man and pulled him elsewhere. The old woman was white, in fright.

He took me by the waist and quietly whispered.

"Are you ok my dear? Did he do anything?" An edge to his question.

"I-I'm ok." And that's when I fell apart. My vulnerability stripped from below me. Tears ran down my face as I clutched at his sleeve. This trauma reran in my head over and over again. I felt like a limbless doll with all limbs stripped away. Broken and frail, it was pitiable.

"Foolish girl, you should have known better than to enter the likes of this place. But you Madam are under arrest." He said coldly as he turned his attention to the old woman.

Madam begged for mercy to continue her business but the prince dismissed her from his presence saying that she was lucky not to be dead yet.

I kept close to his warmth as I felt the beat of my heart running. I continued to let my tears stain his clothing but he didn't seem to mind as he carried me gracefully onto his horse. He even went as far as wrapping me with layers of fabric like a child.

By the time we had returned to the palace I was brought back to my suite. I refused to part from him as he set me down onto the bed. I clutched at his body. I attempted to erase the images of that revolting man that continually circled my mind.

I sniffled.

He gently wiped away tears from my face.

"Are you still scared?"

I nodded. I placed my head against his chest as I listened to his own heart. A reassuring rhythm.

"T-thank you."

"Of course, Lady Ai Xue."

I looked up at him, through my curled eyelashes.

"Call me Ai Xue your imperial highness."

"Then don't address me with such an absurd title, let it be Ming Zheng."

"Do you forgive me for such a stupid mistake?" I said clenching my jaw as I felt each intake of his breathing. Afraid for such an idiotic decision.

"Yes, because you're ok. Don't ever try something like that again. ... I don't know if I can help you again." He murmured, his hands running down my loose mess of hair.

"I promise."

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