結語 [ Epilogue ]

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20 years later ...

"You're going to get in trouble again Ruo Jian!" A girl yelled after her brother. Her long black hair was tied up with pretty flowers and pinned up on her head. She did her best to run in the dress she wore but it was of no avail.

"Mi Xue, you worry too much. Mother won't mind." He said with a laugh. He was always up to no good. Flirting with the pretty girls here and there. He was a trouble maker at heart but still a good boy with doubt.

"Announcing, her royal highness, the Empress." A woman turned the corner with her black hair pinned up in loops and blue jewels. She sighed as her hands were on her hips, a frown played up on her lips.

"What have I told you about fooling around? Your father is returning home from war and the last thing he needs is for you two to create mischief." Ai Xue groaned as she shook her head at her children. Though a smile still played up to her face as her son and daughter look at her with innocence, something that she still hadn't grown out of.

"We'll be there by dinner mother. Don't worry about us, we won't make too much trouble." Ruo Jian kissed his mother on the cheek as he scampered off.

"He's so annoying sometimes," Mi Xue groaned as she crossed her arms. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched her little brother dart off. The many times she had gotten sick at taken a toll on her eye sight. It wasn't until she was around six or seven had she been able to declare that she was colorblind. She didn't mind though. Although she couldn't see a color like yellow, she wasn't worried.

"You should find some company with the other girls." Ai Xue said with a gentle smile.

"Leilei has been busy with her assignments and big sister Li Rong has been busy practicing her music. It's quite boring being alone." She said with a frown.

"Don't look so sour, you'll find something to do eventually." Ai Xue said as she took her daughter's hand into hers.

"Let's get cleaned up now, I've prepared a feast for your father."


"Your shooting skills are really bad." Sheng Li yelled as he watched Ruo Jian attempt the target. The boys were like brothers, Sheng Li being the more mature one of the pair.

"I'm not naturally gifted in shooting like you are," Ruo Jian said annoyed as he continued to try.

"You boys are both doing it wrong," a voice interrupted. Their heads followed the sound of the speaker. Their eyes lit up at the sight. Although he was only a few years older, he had been trained at a young age to perform any kind of self defense. "It's Li Tian brother!" Both said loudly.

Little Tian Tian had grown up into a dashing young man with some successful battle conquests. Although he wasn't a general, he had been a right hand man in a few wars and was clever in his strategies. While he wasn't away, he would spend his time with both Sheng Li and Ruo Jian, teaching them how to fight.

"I heard the Emperor is returning home today?" He said with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes, father's coming home and it's been a year. Mother's holding a big celebration." Ruo Jian murmured as he played with the arrow and bow.

"Why are you so upset?" Sheng Li said. He had spent his life being trained in the same footsteps as Li Tian but was less successful in mimicking. He had rather excelled more in speech and demand. He had the charisma to charm a group of people rather than emphasize the write methods and approach. A reflection of what his father was like, little of which he knew of.

"Because I'll have to study hard again," he said with a sigh. "Or else father's going to pick little Enlai as his heir."

That's right, after him and his sister, came three more younger siblings. A brother who was nothing but a scholar like his mother adored, Enlai. A sister named Fang Hua who was the least rebellious, but rather blunt in her own style. And lastly, a dear baby sister named Hui Ying who spent most of her time playing with dolls and talking about marrying a prince. She was spoiled to the core but as sweet as sugar.

"Enlai doesn't seem to have much interest in being an Emperor, I heard he's been hanging around with the council men trying to learn from them about the monks and merchants." Sheng Li said casually.

"Father loves his academic smarts. Inherited from my grandfather who was a scholar." Ruo Jian said with a shake of his head.

"And what did you inherit?" Li Tian said, attempting not to crack up.

"Good lucks and that was the end of that," Sheng Li replied jokingly.

"Oh shut up." Ruo Jian said with a grin.


That evening, the halls were decorated and everything was lavishly made. It had been twenty years but in that time span, the dowager Empress had sadly passed in her sleep. Ai Xue kept her ground with Chun Hai by her side as she visited the temple often and kept the Harem from falling into disarray.

"Well look who it is. It's Li Rong who finally decided to show up at court." A girl snickered. Her features reflected that of the Korean princess. She was a brat at heart and behaved as conniving as her mother.

"At least she's welcomed here compared to you," Mi Xue sneered as she defended her older sister.

The two were close and many times, stranger's confused their roles. Mi Xue spent more of the time keeping Li Rong safe. It was hard for her though. Her mother had been Princess Huan Yue but things went to hell when she passed. At least Empress Ai Xue kept the girl under protection. No one dared to step in her way unless they wished to be crushed by the neck and treading on needles.

"Hmph," the girl muttered as she stalked away into the crowd.

"Don't mind her. She's just jealous of you two." Leilei murmured as she appeared besides the two. She had been an officially trained to take care both sisters as her duty. She didn't mind though, she was thankful to be clothed and alive rather than living in the streets.

"Leilei!" A voice called from afar. The tall figure of Li Tian appeared and the girl threw her arms around her brother.

Mi Xue felt her heart skip a beat as she stared up at him. Although she hadn't said a word, she had started liking him since they were little. She remembered how he had saved her from falling into a river and how he'd comfort her when she cried. Even when her brother was being mean, he was there for her.

"It's nice to see you again Lady Li Rong and Lady Mi Xue." He said with a bow to both girls.

Li Rong smiled as she beckoned him to get up.

"It's nice to see you return healthy and whole," Mi Xue said as she forced the words out of her mouth awkwardly. Before he could even reply, the pair of idiots arrived. Sheng Li and Ruo Jian who were both distracted Li Tian from speaking properly.

"Hey, Mi Xue. I want to show you something I found in the garden the other day," Sheng Li said with a grin.

Li Rong giggled and Lei Lei merely grinned. The two were aware of his fondness toward her but Mi Xue brushed it aside. She was fairly dense like her father and didn't realize that there was a boy in front of her that liked her dearly.

"Rather than hang out with her, let's go horse back riding." Ruo Jian said with a smirk.

Though all fell into silence when Empress Ai Xue arrived. She glowed radiantly for her age and waved her hands as if to signal for the people to commence in chatter.

"Father is coming soon, I wonder gifts he would have brought this time!" Hui Ying said excitedly as she appeared behind her elder sisters. She looked around at the boys in the place and blushed furiously.

"Well she's over the moon about gifts as usual," Fang Hua interrupted with a roll of her eyes.

"It's what she likes sister. Just like how I love my poems." Another voice murmured. Enlai greeted the girls with proper gentlemanly manners.

"You kill my mood," Fang Hua muttered as she walked away in search of something better to do.


With the arrival of Ming Zheng, everyone grew hushed. He was still handsome in his old age and he smiled at his most beloved. He took his right seat besides her and waved his hand for the party to continue in its lively manner.

He propped up little Hui Ying onto his lap. Even for a nine year old, she still acted like a toddler.

"How are things going since my absence?" He said asking Ai Xue.

"About the same. Ruo Jian has been slacking on his studies since you left but he's going to learn what he must or else he'll be fed nothing but rice and fish. Li Rong and Mi Xue are growing older by the day and I've been thinking about their marriages. As for Li Tian, he has a promising future as a potential general and Sheng Li is a persuasive speaker. En Lai has started studying the economic works of the country. Fang Hua is young and carefree with her womanly tasks; she's refused to learn it. And little Hui Ying right here just want's her presents, doesn't she?" Ai Xue murmured with a smile as she kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"That sound's like quite a lot of trouble things to manage." Ming Zheng said with a shake of his head. "Even more tiring than war."

"You could say that." Ai Xue said calmly with a knowing smile.

"You've always performed with an outstanding job." He complimented.


By evening, Ai Xue and Ming Zheng took a stroll in the garden. Both were dressed in new and more comfortable garments. In her arms, she carried a few white lilies. Everything was peaceful and quiet with just the two walking down the pathway.

"It's been awhile since we've last visited." Ai Xue murmured as she took a few of the flowers and separated them into three.

Three graves were marked not too far from one another. The first visit was at Fang Hua's tomb. Ming Zheng watched from afar as she got down on her knees and began to speak.

"I wish you were still here but I know where ever you are, you're probably happy. Things should have ended so much better for you and I know you deserved it. I'm doing my best for you and ..." Ai Xue shook a little as she wiped away the tears from her eyes. She placed the flowers onto the grave and put her hands together as if to say a prayer.

"Are you alright?" Ming Zheng said concerned as he took Ai Xue into his arms. He patted her back gently. He knew that the two had been close and it still hurt him to think that his first love was dead. But time had passed and it had long numbed his wound.

"Yes, let's move on." She whispered.

Next was the grave of Lan Xing. It had only been a few years ago but she had gotten her hands on a knife and killed herself in rage.

"I'd like to remember the better parts of you. The time when you were happier and healthier. I hope you are smiling where ever you may be," she whispered softly as she placed the other pile of flowers onto the grave.

The memories of her taking care of the children and eating so hungrily with a wide grinned smile. They were little bits of what she was like, a ray of sunshine who had been destroyed in the very end.

Within a few more minutes, they arrived at the final grave. A large mound followed by a smaller one at its side. Ai Xue dropped to her knees as she stared at the headstone. The inscription of Huan Yue's name was carefully carved.

"It's been many years now and I want you to know that Li Rong is doing well. She's beautiful and talented and loved by so many. She will have a bright future and live a happier life. Even though our friendship was short lived, it was a nice memory to savor. So this time, I want to thank you." A sorrowful smile appeared on her lips as she placed the last pile of flowers onto the grave. She bowed and followed after Ming Zheng back to her chambers.

"Look, all the stars seem to be glittering like lantern's tonight." He pointed up at the sky.

Ai Xue looked up, he was right. Over ahead were three bright shining stars. Almost glimmering as if to say, 'thank you'.

"There will still be more years ahead for us but I think we can do it. It's been twenty years and we've managed so far." Ming Zheng said as he kissed Ai Xue on the forehead.

"I know we can do it." And she proceeded to kiss her love on the lips. The two entered into the quarters as the doors closed slowly behind them. 


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