!Tahc Sdrawkcab

251 15 70



Anad has made a group conversation with Eloc, Lliw, Divad, Notlad and Gabe

Anad: ?Pu s'tahw ,syug yeh

Lliw: Mn

Divad: !Anad Pus

Gabe: Okayyy wtf is happening

Notlad: .Sdrawkcab gnikaeps er'ew

Eloc: ?Taerg gnikrow ti t'nsi !Su dnatsrednu uoy taht os s'ti

Gabe: I feel like this is a prank, C'mon guys, it's past April Fool's

Anad: ........Leirbag hms ?Gnineppah s'tahw ees uoy t'nac

Gabe: What kind of foreign language are you fucking speaking? Did Will teach you Chinese or something?

Lliw: Tsicar

Notlad: Tsrif evael ,Eloc ?Tnih a sdeen ebyam

Divad: .Krow thgim taht ,haey

Eloc: .Kcus syug uoy ,syug uoy kcuf

Eloc: Yako tub

Eloc has left the conversation

Gabe: Idek what's happening, guys I'm trying to concentrate

Anad: Xela htiw gnignab no ,heay

Lliw: ?Neam gnignab s'tahw

Divad: .Mailliw retal uoy llet ll'I

Notlad: T'now uoy on ,lol

Gabe: Okay, wtf am I missing out on?

Gabe: I feel left out

Anad: !Aedi elbidercni na dah tsuj I ,syug tiaw

Divad: !Tuo ti tips ,llew

Anad: Tahc s'looF lirpA eht ot sdrawkcab siht ekam s'tel

Anad: Txen sevael Lliw

Lliw: !!!!!Ssob yako

Gabe: Guys I still don't know what's happening

Lliw has left the conversation

Divad: ?Thgir ,txen em

Notlad: !!!!!!!!!Em Neht ,pey

Anad: Em neht

Gabe: Okay whatever I'm gonna look to see if I can find out your code

Divad has left the conversation

Notlad has left the conversation

Anad has left the conversation


Gabe: Wow okay, just fucking left

Gabe: This must be what Cole feels like

Conversation has been deleted



Okay never doing that again, fucking difficult

I was wondering what you'd like my next Fic to be out of these options:

1) Tattoo - The boys get special powers from magic tattoos

2) Children - Future fic with kids

3) Multiple - Twin/Triplet/Quadruplet fic

4) Awaken The Monsters - Boys turn into monsters by magical Gatorade

Vote for one I guess and I'll work on it and make it my next fic? I haven't asked all of you what you would like but to expand, these are not all original ideas like the twin and children one but that's because there are no flipping IM5 fics with those plots with the exception of one or two.

Appreciate it!


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