MLT Pt. 1

152 11 81

Thanks to Liv1dforever / lolsavelove123 / sheyguieb / willjaymusic / @NERDGIRL0320 /

Dalfino has made a group conversation with NotSprouse, Daves, LliwMai, Dana, and Grave

Dalfino: Hey guys! Sup! We haven't had a chat with just the six of us in forever

LliwMai: Perfect timing Dal! I was just about to make one of these for a game idea!

Daves: Before I ask what we're doing, can I ask Gabe why his user is Grave

Grave: Because whenever you add me to a group conversation I want to be rolled to mine

Dana: Oh shit 😂

NotSprouse: What game're we playing?

LliwMai: Well I thought since we've known each other for a pretty long time we could play Most Likely To


LliwMai: You can be the reader of the questions

Grave: Okay, I'm down then, where do I read the questions?

LliwMai: Connie sent them to you, she asked some people to make some up

Grave: Oh okay, just got it

Dana: So wait, how do we do this?

Dalfino: You've never played Most Likely To?

Dana: I have! Just we don't have any signs or anything

NotSprouse: How about when we're all ready Gabe says go and we send what our answers are at the same time

Daves: That sounds solid

Dana: Okay

Dalfino: Wait, if it's Gabe can we say Gabe?

Grave: Well I'm not playing and I don't have a vote anyways so no, you can't

NotSprouse: Dammit

LliwMai: Okay Gabe, you can start

Grave: Most likely to have a dance-off

Grave: And send

NotSprouse: David

Dana: David

LliwMai: David

Dalfino: David

Daves: Dal

Daves: Oh okay, that makes sense

Dalfino: Wait why'd you say me?


Dalfino: Oh

Grave: Most likely to fail math

Grave: Go

Dalfino: Dalton

NotSprouse: Dana

Daves: Cole

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