79. Smiles

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I saw a boy wearing a beanie and a hoodie sitting at my favourite spot under the tree by the lake. I sat down at the same tree as him as it was my favourite spot to read and it was peaceful.

He had freckles on his face and he had rosey coloured cheeks. He was so focused in admiring the scenery. He pulled out a notebook and started to doodle while I continued to read.

It's been half an hour. He raised his head and asked me,

" What is worth saving?"

I looked up and went deep into thoughts. I have no clue.

" I'm sorry but I don't know. What's worth saving to you?" I said as I plastered a smile across my face

He tore off the piece of paper that he had been doodling on and gave it to me.

" Her smile. Smiles are worth saving. I wished people wouldn't let their smile die."

He smiled , grabbed his bag and left.

I stared at the beautiful piece of drawing of my sideview grinning as I was reading. I didn't know that I smile to myself while I read. But how does this guy draw someone without even looking at me? Or did he look but I didn't notice?

I looked below hoping that he wrote his name or left a signature but all I got was this quote,

" A smile is the world's greatest masterpiece. "
I wrote this because I believe that there's someone out there that will notice you even when you absolutely hate yourself or detest yourself. Like the famous saying goes, " Those who love us, will love us in secret."

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