112. Family

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People always says family first. Family will never leave you. Family will always be there.
But how those without a family? Those whose family abandoned them? Those whose family sold them because of their gender? Little girls sold away at a young age because the family didn't want a girl? How about those who were treated like an object by their "family"? How about those who never had a good childhood? How about those who developed emotional problems as a young child? How about those who become punching bag whenever their parents needed to vent their anger?

Family is always #1. But, not all. Some parents ruined their children's lives. These are the parents that deserves nothing and shouldn't expect anything from their children. It hurts to see children getting slapped and scolded in public. Children being traded away like they're objects. Parents who use their children as a punching bag. Parents who ruined a child's childhood. Parents who ruined their parents dreams.

Moral of the story: Family is always #1, but sometimes not for others. Please treat others well as what you do to them can leave them emotionally scarred.

Dedicated to the small minority those doesn't have  a family or who lives in a dysfunctional family :-)

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