190. Flaws

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We all have flaws, each and everyone one of us. If you can't love your flaws, someone else will. Someone special will imagine how you look good with acne and dark circles. Someone will find your smile infectious and cute even when you hate smiling because you have crooked teeth. Someone will accept your flaws because you're beautiful inside out. No one is perfect and we all have flaws. It's a part of being human.

No one is ugly. We are all a walking piece of  art. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and society's beauty standards should not matter because we shouldn't be blamed for the things we can't change. I believed a pretty face, doesn't not show a heart of gold. I would pick a heart of gold because at the end of the day looks fade away. 

No one should stare at the mirror everyday hating themselves because of society's beauty standards. At the end , someone will love you for who you are and you'll be happy someday regardless of how you look and how much flaws you have. Plastic surgery can fix your face but it cannot fix your personality. Be confident in your own skin.

"Be true, Be you "
Hello everyone! This is for ProjectFlawless ! We all have flaws and no matter what, we should learn to embrace them and love them! We shouldn't let society's beauty standards define who we are and what we do! Keep smiling and be happy ! :D

Just a quick question: What's some of your greatest insecurities? :)

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