200. Its not the end

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I took a break for a year
A break from people
From the world
And it's dark reality

People that cared
Found their way
Back to me
While those who didn't
Left .

I've learnt so much
Throughout this break
Many people always
Wanted to take a break from life
A short getaway
Well, I'm glad to say I've done that

I realised who really matters
And who don't
And because of that
My eyes are clearer now
But my heart still closed

At the end,
We have to learn to let go
Of things
Of people
That don't need us in their lives
Even when
We feel like we need them

When you do,
It's won't shine immediately
Darkness will take over
But if you have the courage
To brave it through
Everything will get better

The scars will stay
But it is up to you
To either keep dwelling over it
Or move on.

I took it as a lesson learnt.
It's not the end.
For the end,
Lies when you give up
Or when your trapped in the past

I'll keep picking up the memories
And moving forward
Even if it means
Doing it all by myself .

Thank you to everyone that stayed.
It's a brand new chapter .
It's the end of Drowning Thoughts! Thank you all for reading half a year worth of my thoughts . 2016 was a difficult year but I'm glad I'm done with most of it. I'm definitely looking forward to a brand new start and a new chapter that is about to unfold!
Thank you all for being with me till the end ! 💓

Till we meet again!

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