Chapter 15 Ease Dropping

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Hey guys! I'm really really reallyyyyy sorry I don't update a lot, I just have extremely bad wifi, and my phone has been having problems! I'm going to try my hardest I promise! But here's the next chapter(:


Danielle's P.O.V

Niall and I walked out to the back porch, and I told him to have a seat. He seemed like a very well mannered boy. Well, he's barely even a boy, being only a year younger than me. He was okay looking though. When Nicole showed me pictures of all the boys, I liked the one with the shaved head, and the arrow tattoos on his arm. I think it was Liam, I'm not really sure. Niall is very cute for her though. So I think I'm going to mess with him a lot, just to see how he handles it, and if he really likes my baby sister.

"So Niall, are you a virgin?" I asked him just to see if he would lie. I'm quite positive he isn't, so this is just an honesty test.

Niall's P.O.V

"So Niall, are you a virgin?"

Oh no.. I don't want to lie to her older sister! I mean, no I'm not a virgin, but I haven't just grabbed every girl I see. Only like one or two or three girls. I'm 19! What do you expect?

"No, I'm not a virgin. I promise that's not what I want from your little sister though. I would never do such a thing. I really like her, I do."

I was really hoping that was the answer she was looking for, because, well, it's only the truth!

"Good answer." Danielle says, smiling at me.

"It's only the truth. "

We went on talking for about 15 more minutes. She was a very nice and funny girl, but she didn't kid around when it came to her sister being protected. She didn't want her little sister to get caught up in all the fans, and all the drama. Occasionally I saw Nicole poke her head around to see what was going on, hoping I was doing okay with her sister, I would just smile at her and she would smile back, knowing everything was fine. Then Nicole's father came walking around the corner.

"Hey dad come here and meet Niall!"

That's when I got terrified. Meeting a girls dad is probably one of the most important things you need to do perfectly. If I messed this up it would be horrible!

I stood up when he made his way over to me so I could introduce myself correctly.

"Hello sir, I'm Niall, Niall Horan."

"Hey, you can call me Scott. So how old are you boy?"

"I am 19 sir. I mean Scott, sorry."

I'm already messing this up! Damn it Niall pull it together!

"So you're dating my daughter huh?"

"Actually, I haven't officially asked her out yet. I want to make it very special. So I've been waiting for just the right moment to do it."

I forgot that they all probably thought we were dating by now, but we weren't. I had to make that moment absolutely perfect!

After that I talked with Nicole's sister and father for a few more minutes. I felt like I got along with her family pretty well! Like I sort of fit in with all of them. They were all very nice people.

Since all of this went great with Nicole's family, I just really wanted to go spend more time with Nicole. She was probably really worried by now, trying to figure out if everything was going okay.

As we all finished up our conversation we were heading back into the house now. Nicole was sitting on the couch, with her face in her phone, probably on twitter or texting or something. She's always on that thing if she's not with me. I went and sat on the big white leather couch right next to her, putting my arm around her and pulling her close. She immediately put her phone down and started smiling, as she leaned on my chest. I kissed her temple, and whispered to her,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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