Chapter 13 Nicole's Friend

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Okay wow, its been a lonngggggg time since I've updated. I'm SO sorry. Personal stuff, I hope you guys don't hate me too much!!!

Niall's P.O.V.

The plane had just landed in Orlando, Florida and I was practically pushing through people to get off that plane as quickly as possible. Nicole had told me where she lived, and I was going to hail a taxi to bring me over there. I wanted to see her more than anything right now. I still felt like it was partially my fault that she got hurt in the first place. As I was stepping out of the terminal, I started looking around taking everything in. I had never been to this part of Florida before. I was looking at the stores, because I was starving. As I'm scanning through everything, I spot the most beautiful girl in the world.

Once I saw her, she was starring right at me. Her face lit up when we made eye contact. I started to speed walk over to her, as she was basically skipping on her way over to me. She wasn't suppose to be here? How come she didn't tell me?

We embraced in the best hug I've ever had. Just the feeling of her face nuzzled into my chest, and my head resting gently on the top of her head. I leaned my head down to whisper in her ear,

"I've missed you so much love. I'm so happy you're okay now."

"I've missed you so much too Niall. I'm so glad you're here."

Hearing those words escape her lips were angelic. We finally released from each other, and I noticed there were a few people looking. No one knew I was coming here, but hopefully they wouldn't put pictures on the internet. I just want to spend time with Nicole.

"So how come you didn't tell me you were going to be picking me up?" I asked her as we started to walk towards what I'm assuming is the exit.

"I wanted to surprise you! My mom let my friend who has a car drive me down here. She's not that much of a fan, so she won't scream in your face." Nicole informed me, teasing me about her friend not really being a fan.

"Well I think I have some work to do then don't I! She will be a fan soon enough. Oh and I have to give her gas money! That's a long drive. Very sweet of her."

"Niall I already gave her gas money don't worry about it. And she-"

"Then I have to give you back the money! How much was it? You didn't need to come and pick me up. I'll-" Nicole then cut me off,

"Niall, don't worry about it! I wanted to come down here and see you."

She gives me a tight squeeze assuring me she doesn't want the money, and she won't take it. I give her a kiss on the forehead, and we continue to walk hand in hand out of the airport. We get to her friends car, and I put my bag in the back. Nicole gets in the front seat, leaving me to sit in the back alone. I decide to start up a conversation as before I even sit down.

"Hello! I'm Niall! Thanks for driving out here to pick me up. What's your name love?"

Maybe I shouldn't have called her love.. I don't want this girl to be freaked out since she isn't a fan! I'm trying to make her fan.. damn it!

"Hi Niall. I'm Jade! And no problem picking you up!" She says while giggling.

Oh thank the lord. She didn't get freaked out. Maybe I shouldn't worry too much.

The whole car ride was about an hour and a half until we got to Nicole's house. It wasn't awkward one bit. We talked a lot about ourselves, and we were just having fun dancing around to the radio. Jade is a very cool girl, pretty too! She isn't really my type though. Nicole is my girl.

I think I succeeded in making Jade a Directioner though. I had her laughing at almost everything I did or said. She even asked me about Harry. I told her I would give him her number. She seemed like she would be the perfect fit for Harry! Niall the match maker at your service! Okay but anyways, once we got to Nicole's house, Jade went home so I could meet Nicole's family. I didn't get nervous until we stepped out of the car, and got my bags. That's when the uneasy feeling hit me, that I would be meeting her family. I already knew her mom, but she told me she has a 20 year old sister. She's one year older than me, so we kind of have to get along. Her parents are divorced, but her dad came over to meet me.

"Niall don't be so nervous! They will love you I promise!"

Nicole assures me, and hangs onto my arm as we walk towards the front door.

"I know, I know babe. I just want everything to work out with us. This is a big step!"

She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before opening the front door.

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