Chapter 9 One Dumb "Fan"

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Nicoles P.O.V.~~~

My sleep was interrupted by the sound of a phone going off. It wasn't my phone though? I didn't want to open my eyes, because the sun was really bright. Someone laying with me, on I think a hammock, answered the phone.


Yeah we are fine, we're at the beach still from last night.

I know, today's our day off!

Yeah we will come back soon.

Okay, see you later lad, bye."

That sweet, soothing Irish accent filled my ears, and brought a smile to my face, eyes still closed. He put his phone back in his picket I'm pretty sure, then wrapped his arms around me once again. Thank god this wasn't all a dream!

"Who was that Niall? Liam probably, right?"

I teased a little bit, and got comfortable settling back in his warm arms.

"How could you tell?"

He murmured, still sounding sleepy. His voice was so relaxing, and made me feel safe.

"Just the way you answered to him, I could tell the person on the other end was a little worried."

We both laughed, and just layed there in each others presence for another minute or two. I could have stayed there all day, but we had to go back to the hotel. Paul had left us the car, so we could drive back. He doesn't like waiting, so he probably left early last night, knowing we would be there a while. We started on our way back from where we came last night, but there was a lot more people, enjoying the sun on the beach now. It was only 9 in the morning! Why was everyone here already?

Niall's P.O.V.~~~

We started to head back to the car that paul had left us. It seemed like everyone was out here on the beach this morning! This wasn't going to be good if people recognized me.. And it especially wouldn't be good for Nicole. I don't want her face to be all over the tabloids, and her getting all of this hate for being with me on the beach. Although I did pull her on stage last night. My thoughts were cut off by Nicole yanking at my hand.

"C'mon let's go this way, so no one sees us."

"Oh good idea! It's like you read my mind. I was hoping no one would recognize me."

We smiled at each other, and walked up the beach to the side walk. No one was up there because they all wanted to be by the water. We were almost to the car, trying to keep our heads low, when I heard it.

There were fans screaming behind us, and I heard feet running in our direction. I was starting to turn around, when one of the girls ran right into Nicole and pushed her to the ground yet again. I tried to help her up, but all the fans surrounded me. I got a little louder than I should have.

"Girls, girls! Calm down! Did you even notice that you pushed her over trying to get to me?"

They all looked over to Nicole as she was getting up, her hands bloody, and a scrape on her right knee. All of the fans got quieter when I spoke up, and they said sorry, very quickly, not really meaning it. I signed a couple of pictures, and went over to Nicole. I waved good bye to the fans, and we started to walk away. I heard one of the girls say,

"She's so ugly anyways, why is he even with her!?"

"I know seriously!"

That was it, I was about to blow up on these girls. I was starting to turn around, as I saw a rock being belted at Nicole! It hit her right in the back, on her spine. She fell to the ground in pain, not moving, about to cry.

"And you call yourselves Directioners!"

I yelled at the girls as they all ran away.

"Nicole are you okay!? Did it hit your spine!? Can you move!?"

I frantically started yelling out questions. Probably not the smartest thing to do.

"I don't know. I can't feel my legs."

She let out, in a very soft tone, pleading for help.

I pulled out my phone and called for an ambulance. Then I called Paul to meet us at the hospital. As I was talking with Paul, I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. This couldn't be happening. I really cared for this girl, and my so called fans, hurt her! I stayed on the ground next to her, talking to her, saying everything was going to be okay, when I was trying to convince myself this at the same time. I just didn't want her to fall asleep, and then her possibly not wake back up.

Finally I heard the ambulance sirens coming into heating distance. The ambulance pulled to the curb beside us, and people rushed out.

"She was hit on the spine by a girl throwing a rock, and she can't feel her legs!"

I told the people, my voice cracking, and they hurried to get her into the ambulance, on the stretcher. Thankfully they were all guys, and only one older lady, so no one asked for a picture or an autograph. I would have been highly upset.

They asked if I wanted to ride in the ambulance with her to the hospital, I immediately said yes, jumping in the back with her. I texted Paul and told him to have someone get the car. Thankfully the hospital was only a few minutes away. I tried to reassure Nicole it would be okay, the whole ride there. We pulled up to the emergency entrance, I jumped out of the vehicle, so they could unload Nicole as quickly as possible. We all ran in the doors, and I was right by her side, running along.

When we reached a set of doors, I was no longer aloud to go with them. My hand slipped from hers, as they took her back. I had been holding her hand the entire time. I watched as they rushed her into a back room, her eyes closing now, and her face getting paler by the minute. I'm pretty sure she was losing blood from where the rock hit her on the back. That girl had a hard throw.

I stood there, in shock, trying to hold back the tears, telling myself she would be alright. The one older woman that had been there when the ambulance arrived to the scene, walked over to me.

"How long have you two been together?"

She asked me, and I was quite taken back by her comment.

"I can tell by the way you look at her, that you two have something special going."

She must have seen the look on my face, and continued her question with some more information. I thought for a second before answering.

"I only met her last night, but sparks flew right away, and I care about this girl, with all my heart."

I said as another tear slipped from my eye.

"Well she's a lucky girl to have met someone as true, as you are."

I didn't believe this though. I felt that it was my fault she got hurt, and that its my fault she's in this position in the first place. I gave the woman a weak smile, and went to find a chair. Her words did mean a lot though. She thought we had been together for a long time, just because of how I looked at her. Wow... This girls really could be my princess I have been waiting for all along.


Uh oh! Those little girls have no idea what they did!

Niall is about to break down with what happened, blaming himself!

Is Nicole going to be okay? I guess you'll just have to wait and see!

I love every one of you who is reading this! Pretty pleaseeeeee share my story?(: Thanks guys! ★♥

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