Chapter 3 To Zayn For Help

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Chapter 3:

As I watched him walk away, everything went blank like I was in a dream, starting to drift away. It felt like something hit me, and I came back to reality, with Alexa screaming in my face and shaking me.

"OH MY GOSH NICOLE!!! Tell me what you guys were talking about!! You were just talking to Niall Horan! And he kissed your hand and gave you a hug, and now I'm touching you. Oh my gosh I just touched Niall Horan. I'm going to- ahhhhhh! Lucky bitch..."

She glared at me and we both started laughing it off.

Alexa was a little over dramatic sometimes, but she was mostly kidding around. I mean, yeah, she was excited, but she wasn't really that obsessive. As she was talking she was pacing back and forth, throwing her hands everywhere, and up to her face. Her mum was just laughing to the side.

We sat down where me and Niall had sat, and I told them everything that we talked about even though he did most of the talking. Alexa got so excited, and gave me all of these theories, saying that he likes me, and that he's going to do something really special at the concert. I shot down all of her ideas, saying that it couldn't be.

Niall's P.O.V.~~~

As I was walking away from Nicole, I wanted to look back and see her face just one last time, but I didn't. I would see her tonight, and had my plan. I walked back to the arena trying not to be seen by anyone. I had sunglasses on that I pulled out of my jacket, and I put my hood up. I did a good job, and only got stopped once by two girls who asked for my autograph. Then I hurried to get back to the boys. When I did, they asked me what took so long, and I simply told them I had to stop and get a bite to eat. They believed me.

I pulled Zayn to the side a little later. He was always the one I talked to about girls. He never wanted to see me hurt, and he helped out a lot. He tried to get me to date girls, but I didn't want him to set me up. I was waiting for my princess. So he got really excited when I talked to him saying,

"Hey Zayn, the reason I took so long is because I was talking to this girl. I grabbed her hand and kissed it when I introduced myself, and I swear to you I felt sparks. Her name is Nicole, and she is beautiful, but she doesn't know it. Just like our song 'What Makes You beautiful!' "

I told him that she was going to the concert, and I told him all about my plan, since she was in the front row. He agreed to help me, and talked to the boys with me. He asked if I was sure, and when I said I was, we all went to the stage to practice the changes we made. I am so excited for this show. I feel like Nicole and I just have this amazing connection, like love at firt sight.

Nicole's P.O.V.~~~

Now I was even more excited for the show because I had already met one of the boys. I'm so happy it was Niall that I ran into. I feel like we have a connection. I'm just being stupid though. There's no way that I have a connection with Niall after only talking to him for like 5 minutes.

"Alright girls, let's walk down towards the arena so we can get in without being trampled by girls. Only an hour till the show!"

Alexa's mum told us, giving me a little smirk, like she knew something was going to happen with me and Niall. It really got me thinking that something might just happen. I mean, mum's are always right!

We couldn't stop talking about how great the concert was going to be tonight, as we practically skipped down the street in excitement.

It took about a half an hour to get through the crowd, and to our seats, showing the security that we had V.I.P. passes. Once we finally got to our seats, we sat down waiting for everyone to get in. It only took a matter of minutes until there were thousands of girls filling the arena screaming for the boys to come out.

"Look look! They are about to come out! The screen is starting up for their introduction!"

Alexa screamed over the other girls, pointing to the stage.

"Finally! I wanna know what Niall is going to do!"

I yelled back to her so she could hear me. She just nodded in agreement and starting clapping and yelling for the boys.

They finally appeared, running onto the stage hyped up for the show. They all looked so excited and happy. They weren't really 'cute' anymore though. They are more fit, and sexy I must say. One thing I noticed, was that Niall looked like he was searching the crowd. Was he trying to find me? I asked myself, but my question quickly got answered when he met my gaze, and his face lit up like a little boy who just saw a huge chocolate cake coming in his direction.

The first person to speak was Louis. He asked the crowd if they were excited for the show. Everyone just got louder with their intense screaming. He pretended to fall back from their screaming like it blew him over.

Next Harry spoke, to Introduce the first song.

"The first song tonight is going to be one of my favorites."

"And mine Harry! Love performing this song!"

Niall chirped in, adding to what Harry had said.

"Yes, also Niall's favorite to start off with everyone."

Harry gave Niall the puppy dog face, and mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' to Niall across the stage. Niall mouth back 'It's fine lad' with a little chuckle, and wave in Harry's way.

"So the song is kind of a more up-beat one of our songs to start, which is..."

Liam dragged out the word 'is' waiting for the boys to all say what the song was. It happened to be 'Last First Kiss', one of my many favorites too!

During this song, Niall kept looking at me while singing. I was wondering if thats all he was going to do. The concert went on, and the boys were doing great. Next thing I knew, they were introducing the song 'What Makes You Beautiful', actually Niall was introducing it this time, only Niall.

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