Chapter 10 Sandy's Talk

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Chapter 10

Niall's P.O.V.~~~

I sat down in a chair away from everyone else, and bent over, with my head falling into my hands. My mind was racing, thinking of every possibility, and what might happen. After only a couple of minutes, my thoughts were broken by Liam's hand on my back. I looked up, facing my four best mates, and Paul, standing in front of me.

"You didn't all have to come."

I said weakly, but appreciative.

"Well we wanted to."

"So what happened anyway?"

"Is it Nicole?"

"Did the fans do something?"

All of the boys starting asking me questions. I put my hand up, motioning for them to stop, so I could explain.

"We were walking, and some fans came up behind us, and I signed a few things. then we started to walk away. I heard the girls saying mean things, that Nicole is 'ugly' and she doesn't deserve me, so as I was turning around, I saw Nicole drop to the ground, her body limp. One of the girls had thrown a rock at her, and hit her right on her spine.."

I trailed off and the boys were quiet for a moment.

"Have the doctors said anything?"

Zayn asked me, and I shook my head no, looking down at my feet.

"Guys, I really like this girl.. a lot.. and I can't believe I let this happen to her. It's all my fault!"

I started to cry again, and put my head back into my hands.

"Awe mate don't blame yourself. It's not your fault the so called fans were being little bitches, because you chose her over them!"

Louis spoke, trying to cheer me up. I was trying desperately to not blow up, and maybe accidentally hit one of them. I just kept my head down, trying to ignore everything. The boys were all huddled around me now, finding a few chairs, and Harry sat on the ground in front of me. Paul stayed standing up, making sure no one came and mobbed us.

"You guys don't have to stay.. You can go back to the hotel."

"C'mon now Niall. You think we would leave you here alone? And we want to stay for Nicole, right boys?"

Harry said, trying to be cheery. The boys all nodded their heads, saying 'yeah'.

It seemed like hours had past by. I took this time to call Nicole's mum. She only lived about an hour away, and got to the hospital as fast as she could have. I told her mum what had happened, and she understood, and wasn't mad at me. That relieved me some. Her mum, Sandy, was just as upset ad me, and her and Alexa both started to cry a little too. I was so worried that Nicole maybe wouldn't make it, and I would never get to see that amazing smile of hers, ever again. By now fans had crowded outside of the hospital, holding signs, flowers, and even chocolate. I saw a few of the signs said 'Get Better Soon Nicole!' That made me half smile, that not all of the fans were against Nicole. Those were the true Directioners there.

I heard someone call my name, and I snapped my head towards the man. He was wearing a doctors coat, and I quickly ran over to him, Nicole's mum not far behind me.

"Uh, yes doctor, how is she?"

"Well, the rock hit her spine, which caused her to fall to the ground, and paralyze her legs, but she will regain all movement in her legs in less than a week. The rock also left a gash in her back, causing for her to lose a lot of blood. A couple minutes later, and she might not have made it. She is going to have to stay in the hospital for about a week, so we can monitor her. She is asleep now, from the surgery, but you may go into her room for when she wakes up."

"Thank you so much doctor! You don't know how thankful I truly am!"

I said shaking his hand, giving Sandy, Nicole's mum, a quick hug, then running to the room. As I was turning away I heard Sandy ask the doctor if there would be any permanent damage, and he said no, so I went on my way.

I found her room, and slowly turned in, opening the door cautiously. I looked to her, her beautiful face, eyes closed, sleeping. She looked peaceful. I went and grabbed a chair and brought it right to her bedside.

Next thing I knew her mum walked in, a sheepish half grin on her face. Probably sad to see her daughter where she is, but also happy she's okay. She looked to me and smiled. I pulled up a chair for her to sit in, right by mine.

"You know Niall, I can tell by the way you have acted, and how you look at her, that she must mean the world to you. I appreciate what you have done so far, and how much you have been here, and stayed by her side."

I was astonished by her words. It made me very happy knowing that Nicole's mum approved of me already.

"Thank you. It means a lot. And I truly do care for your daughter. I know we only met a day ago, but there's just something about her... something I-"

"Love at first sight. that immediate connection you feel with someone. I know what you mean, and I see it in your eyes."

She took the words right out of my mouth. She was right.. this was love at first sight, and I'm never going to let this girl go.

"Exactly. I mean, it just feels so right being around her."

I said, and her mum smiled, and nodded. We were all really tired. but the boys and Paul came in, to see how she was, and how me and Sandy were holding up. They decided to go back to the hotel, after I almost made them, telling them she was going to be fine, and that they need their rest for the show. I stayed back with Sandy, and we sat in the room with Nicole. Sandy layed down on the small couch, and fell asleep. I stayed in the chair, now grabbing onto Nicole's hand. I was going to be the first person she saw when she woke up.

This was now the start of Nicole and I. The start of all the crazy shit we would be going through together. I would do anything for her, and I will protect her more than anything from here on out. In my arms, she will never get hurt again.


Well the good thing is Nicole's okay!

Sandy also approves of Niall!

Andddddd Niall is already planning on having a future with Nicole!!


Did you all like the talk Sandy and Niall had? Because I did!!!:D

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