Chapter 4 The Plan

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"This song is going to be a special one to perform tonight. Let's see who all notices some changes we have made, and different things we do."

The crowd roared in excitement as Niall explained. He was looking right at me as he was talking. All of the other boys were just looking at each other smiling excitedly. They knew what was going on. Now I wanted to know!

When he looked away from me for a couple seconds, Alexa and I just looked at each other and screamed. We had no idea what he was going to do, but it had to be something big!

"Okay, everyone listen up! No hate for this, and no hate to her either please!"

I was trying to process what Niall was saying. Was he going to dedicate the song to me!? That would be so amazing! Him singing their very first debut albumn song that went number one, to me! I was freaking out!

"So, Nicole, I would like for you to come onto the stage please!"

Niall said this while looking at me, with the biggest smile on his face. What on Earth did he just say? Then Zayn adds,

"Nicole, the one that Niall was talking to earlier today. Be honest now girls, we don't want all of you running on stage sayimg it's you! We know who she is."

Niall nodded in agreemet and laughed. Zayn had a good point there. By then, Alexa was shoving me forward to go up the stairs where Niall had walked over to, waiting for me. Security saw me, and was directing me to where I had to go, helping me up the huge steps, to the even bigger stage. Was I really doing this?

The crowd was so loud, I almost couldn't take it, until Niall grabbed my hand, and pulled me onto the stage with him. Thank god for him, or I wouldn't be able to do this. I just kept looking at Niall so I wouldnt like, pass out or something.

Niall's P.O.V.~~~

I'm really hoping that everything goes well, and Nicole doesn't get hate from this. I pulled her to my side and put my arm around her as I started to speak to the crowd once more before starting the song.

"Everyone, this is Nicole! Isn't she beautiful? She is on the inside too. So everyone make some noise for Nicole, and let's GOO!"

I looked at her smiled, I could tell that she was really nervous, and had some stage fright. I wiggled her around a little trying to loosen her up, and she hit me with her hip! I guess she's comfortable now! I made a face at her like I was in shock. She just smiled and held up her arms like she didn't know what I was talking about. I laughed. She was so cute.

The song started, and the boys sang their parts, and I was dancing around a little bit with Nicole, just watching her up on stage with me, having loads of fun. She was having a great laugh dancing a long with me, but then my part was coming up, that we had changed and practiced. I faced her, and got closer to her, looking right into her eyes. I had to look down to her, which I liked. I always wanted a girl shorter than me, since I'm only 5'7. I started to sing my part to her, which was really Harry's part, his solo,

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell...."

Before walking away from her to finish the song, I just couldn't help myself. Our connection was so strong while I was singing to her. This wasn't part of the plan, but I just got closer and closer until...

Nicole's P.O.V.~~~

Niall was getting so close to me as he was finishing up his part singing. I was getting so nervous. Was he going to kiss me right then and there on stage!? He was just looking straight into my eyes, our foreheads almost touching.

Next thing I knew Zayn had pulled him away from me spinning him around and running up to a little spot on the stage where they finished the song. Damnit, Zayn! He was probably doing it for my own good though. All of these girls would want to kill me if Niall kissed me. They probably already do want to kill me! The other three boys, Harry, Liam, and Louis were dancing around me in a circle, finishing up the song. I was center stage, just standing there.

When the song was over, Niall came over to me, and told me he will see me after the show, and he apoligized. Why apoligize? I'm good with what happened! Best day of my life so far! As I was walking off, all the boys were walking to the front of the stage to start the next song. I looked back and saw Zayn saying something to Niall, then Liam said something to him too. Uh oh. I think Niall was in a little trouble for all this.

I'm sure I was going to be the headline story tomorrow. Security helped me off stage, and I was walking past all of the screaming girls back to my spot. A couple girls looked really angry. It's not my fault! One girl I was about to pass looked extremely upset! She must have been a Niall girl. When I had almost passed her, I fell straight to the ground, almost hitting my face, but I caught myself. Niall must have seen, because he yelled,


As he started to run towards me, the boys stopped introducing the next song, and were trying to see what happend. I was gettiing up when Niall got to me, helping me to my feet. Wow, he was fast! He asked me if I was okay, and I said I was fine, but he went up to the girl,

"Why did you do that? I'm sorry it was her, and not you, but you dont have to trip her and make her fall. I like her, okay? Be happy for me?"

I could tell he was trying to stay calm, but when he said he liked me, he got quieter like he was trying for me not to hear him. Did I really hear him right? I sure hope so..

He turned back around to me, when he finally realized the girl had nothing to say. He gave me a hug, as the boys started talking to the crowd, trying to distract everyone, so no one would see. He whispered to me,

"I'm sorry Nicole, I knew this would happen.. I just felt a connection with you, and I had to do something special.."

He started trailing off, leaving me in utter shock. I finally said to him,

"Don't worry about it! For you, I'm willing to do all of this, and more, just to stay with you. I felt the connection too.."

He looked at me, with that cheeky smile of his. I loved his smile. After a few seconds, he didn't say anything, he just leaned in, and gave me a slow, cautious kiss, right on the lips. His lips were so soft, and I wasn't thinking of anything besides us. Its like everything had disappeared, and it was just us two standing there. I didn't want to pull away, but after a couple more seconds he did, smiling at me so big. I couldn't help but smile either. His smile was contagious.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of the show love! See you later!"

And he ran back onstage, with all the girls screaming his name, wondering where he was. I went back to my seat, and sat down. Basically plopping in my seat, because I was so happy, deep in thought.

Alexa didn't even know what to say to me because she was so excited, so we just enjoyed the rest of the show like Niall told me too. I mean how could I not?

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